photos in a sentence

Use ‘photos’ in a sentence | ‘photos’ example sentences

1- I did not take many photos.

2- She didn’t take many photos.

3- He is good at taking photos.

4- He took the photos in earnest.

5- He took no photos of the festival.

6- He ripped up all her letters and photos.

7- Don’t expose photos to the sun.

8- blay_paulThey showed me a lot of beautiful photos.

9- Sometimes those photos are not very good.

10- mamatYou are not permitted to take photos in the museum.

11- She stared emptily at the photos of her ex-boyfriend.

12- Find someone who knows how to develop photos.

13- deviateThe enlargements for our photos cost us about ten bucks.

14- We ordered duplicate prints of our photos to send to my parents.

15- He spoke her name aloud as he looked at their old wedding photos.

16- These photos are all blurry.

17- Are you using the right shutter speed?The model brought a large portfolio of her photos to show the agency.

18- The young girl glued photos of her favorite rock stars into an album.

19- Dust particles on the camera lens may appear as spots on your photos.

20- These ten photos are sequential, and were taken over a 10-day period.

21- We looked at all our photos and reminisced about our trip around Europe.

22- My son has decorated his room with photos of his favorite hockey players.

23- Find someone who has seen photos of the surface of the planet Mars.

24- surgeWe ordered some extra prints of the photos we took to give to our friends.

25- Find someone who has had enlargements made of photos for someone.

26- enormousThe Ranger 8 spacecraft yielded over 7,000 photos of the surface of the moon.

27- These old photos are too grainy for me to be able to identify the people in them.

28- Craig has an album filled with photos and articles about his favorite hockey team.

29- Craig has an album filled with photos and articles about his favorite football team.

30- I prefer a camera with a manual focus so that I can have more control over my photos.

31- Craig has an album filled with photos and articles about his favorite basketball team.

32- Yukiko looked at the photos of 4 potential husbands that the matchmaker gave her parents.

33- The newest photos of the surface of Saturn’s moon Titan evoke the rocky landscape of Mars.

34- With this new software, we can enlarge and otherwise manipulate our photos on our computer.

35- I can attach my new digital camera to my computer and download my photos onto my hard drive.

36- We got some old photos of my parents’ wedding enlarged for them as a 50th anniversary present.

37- In case of a fire, I would first try to save things of sentimental value, such as family photos.

38- Luke was fired after being caught faxing pornographic photos to the other guys in the department.

39- I want to buy a color printer for my computer so that I can make some copies of our family photos.

40- We scanned all our family photos onto the computer, and sent the best ones to my parents by e-mail.

41- She kept the old photos for sentimental reasons even though she knew she would never see him again.

42- I saw a book which had incredible photos showing the development of a baby inside its mother’s womb.

43- The text which accompanies the photos provides a fascinating insight into the creation of each image.

44- We couldn’t get our photos blown up because the enlarger at the photo store isn’t working at the moment.

45- Sensationalist photos of car accidents and murder victims generally provoke both outrage and fascination.

46- If you use lots of visuals, like graphs and photos, it will really make your presentation more interesting.

47- photos supposedly taken of an actual Sasquatch turned out to be fakes made using a man in a gorilla costume.

48- We made duplicate copies of our honeymoon photos so we could give a set to my parents, who paid for our trip.

49- The photos I took with my digital camera look good, but if I try to enlarge them, they turn out pretty blurry.

50- boastThe enormous number of photos which have been beamed back from the moon have permitted scientists to map its surface.

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