photographers in a sentence

Use ‘photographers’ in a sentence | ‘photographers’ example sentences

1- The photographers surged forward as the Princess approached.

2- Mahatma Gandhi once joked that he believed in equality for everyone except reporters and photographers.

3- As photographers, “we leave our careers in the hands of other people.”

4- Tai said that other news photographers on campus were similarly treated.

5- Wino was among seven or eight photographers taking pictures of the concert.

6- Men were the photographers, but more and more women are entering the field.

7- The Jeep brand commissioned noted photographers to document the entire journey.

8- To her left were the fashion photographers Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.

9- All awards roads lead here, followed by a legion of red carpet fashion photographers.

10- Here are some of the most memorable vehicles as captured by photographers from The AP.

11- photographers hire her to style food for advertising in magazines, newspapers, and film.

12- 841340This could lead to cannibalism, which has already been observed by photographers.

13- They returned to the house with photographers and called in other investigators to help.

14- He was one of only a few photographers allowed to work on both sides during the Cold War.

15- Nearly 100,000 images from photographers from 131 countries were submitted to the contest.

16- He was one of only a few photographers to be allowed to work in both Germanys prior to 1989.

17- Justin Bieber’s troubled timeline – Bieber and photographers, we’ve learned by now, don’t mix.

18- She even came backstage with a lit joint after the show and passed it around to photographers.

19- Below, the schedule of DJs, photographers, and backdrop artists for the final three Wednesdays.

20- The winners, who are not professional photographers, were chosen from more than 96,000 entries.

21- I hope that people look beyond our disabilities and just see us as photographers, Sarakany said.

22- You can even send RAW files to computers now (cue a chorus of “Hallelujah!” from pro photographers).

23- Sports Illustrated has laid off all six of its staff photographers and will rely more on freelancers.

24- We all have to make compromises from time to time, including the male photographers I am working with.

25- Two young and talented photographers based in Switzerland Shpend Salihu and Basil Stücheli translated her vision into art.

26- Tsybikov and Norzunov became the first photographers of Lhasa known by name, and the earliest published photographers of the city.

27- Carmichael, p. 63 Brooks was the first and the longest-serving of the British war photographers, and took more than 4,400 images.

28- He is photographing the works of other photographers, who in the case of the cowboys, had been hired by Marlboro to create images depicting cowboys.

29- The crew also stay in the race village: the workers, supervisors, timekeepers, TV crew, administrators, photographers, media and also need to be provided for.

30- Greenberg is credited by some within the commercial photography industry as having produced several unique styles that have since been emulated by other photographers.

31- A renowned street photographer who’s lived in and photographed Paris since 1978, Turnley is one of the preeminent photographers of the daily life in Paris of his generation.

32- WAC mechanics and photographers also made regular flights.

33- Famous photographers from around the world taught there during summer-only classes.

34- Published weekly since October 1972, the Reader is known as a showcase for San Diego writers and photographers.

35- These Fashion photographers are the eyes of fashion industry through which they observe and present beauty to the people.

36- This procedure is usually only performed by photographers who do their own development or professional-level photofinishers.

37- Soon Amaringo began to make money from portraits, but lost his market when photographers began to colour black-and-white prints.

38- For a more understanding photographers take on the rights and wrongs of photographing the Batman, see Todd Dezago’s “Urban Legend”.

39- He has appeared in numerous films, television shows, commercials and print ads and has worked with some of the top wildlife photographers in the United States.

40- Published issues Daylight Multimedia Daylight Multimedia publishes free monthly video podcasts featuring portfolios and narration from contemporary photographers.

41- Royal Canadian Navy From September 27 to 30 2004, Windsor took reporters and photographers from Halifax and Windsor newspapers to document life aboard a submarine.

42- Ward is one of the photographers photographed.

43- AP photographers Rudy Faircloth and Horace Cort also arrived at the scene.

44- Generally, underwater photographers try to avoid these situations whenever possible.

45- In 1951, he won a first prize in a Life magazine competition for young photographers.

46- ” Riis and his photographers were among the first Americans to use flash photography.

47- Avedon at Work (2003) documents one of the great photographers of the twentieth century.

48- Muslin is the most common backdrop material used by photographers for formal portrait backgrounds.

49- Founded in 2010 the award is known for encourage and promote social documentary among Iranian photographers.

50- In 1947 he was asked by the same Photo League to organize an exhibition of French photographers in New York.

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