phoned in a sentence

Use ‘phoned’ in a sentence | ‘phoned’ example sentences

1- A ser phoned me yesterday.

2- I phoned Mary, but the line was busy.

3- She phoned her husband to come immediately.

4- He phoned me to talk about his holiday plans.

5- He phoned her as soon as he came home.

6- pierrephiSomeone phoned today to inquire about our car for sale.

7- At the very instant you phoned, I was thinking about you.

8- Your parents phoned to congratulate you on your graduation.

9- She had already gone to bed when I phoned her at p.

10- m.

11- The school was evacuated after a student phoned in a bomb threat.

12- The dentist’s office phoned today to say that you were due for a check-up.

13- An angry constituent phoned the Senator to complain about his rising taxes.

14- The woman phoned police after her husband slapped her, and twisted her arm.

15- The doctor phoned and wants to postpone your surgery for a couple of weeks.

16- Jeff has just phoned to say that traffic is light on Highway 1 this morning.

17- An anonymous caller phoned police to report the murder of a local gang leader.

18- The library phoned to say that you have a bunch of books which were due a month ago.

19- I had hardly finished my meal when my friend phoned me and invited me out for dinner.

20- The young girl related the incident to her mother, who phoned the school to complain.

21- The girl’s teacher phoned the police after noticing large bruises on her legs and back.

22- Your coach phoned to say there will be a team practice in the gym tomorrow after school.

23- After realizing that his car had been stolen, he immediately phoned the police department.

24- We phoned the police after seeing a car being driven recklessly at high speed on the highway.

25- Your girlfriend’s parents phoned and they were very upset when she didn’t come home by midnight.

26- We had to rush home from the party when the baby-sitter phoned to say that my daughter was sick.

27- My daughter phoned the radio station to make a request last night, but her song was never played.

28- I’d like to apologize to you for waking you up last night.

29- I shouldn’t have phoned so late.

30- She disguised her voice when she phoned her boyfriend in order to lure him to his surprise birthday party.

31- I phoned my parents in Mexico last night, but I could hardly hear them.

32- The connection was really bad.

33- Your teacher phoned today to say you were causing problems in class.

34- I think you have some real explaining to do!I was very relieved when my daughter phoned because I was really worried when she didn’t come right home after school.

35- The children were sorely disappointed when their grandparents phoned to say they couldn’t come to their school picnic.

36- He phoned the computer help desk, and the person there was able to guide him through the process of setting up his e-mail account.

37- I’m sorry I phoned you at the party, and embarrassed you in front of your friends, but we were concerned that you might not have a lift home.

38- She was away from work for a year after the birth of her baby, so she often phoned the office to hear the latest gossip about what was happening there.

39- He had hoped to run away with his girlfriend before her parents found out she was pregnant, but time conspired against him and the girl’s doctor phoned her mother the night before they were to leave.

40- He phoned Bruce the next day to thank the friends for saving his life.

41- The residents, concerned for their safety, fled the house and phoned police.

42- He phoned numerous senators, and repeatedly sent top aides to talk with lawmakers.

43- 801411The son phoned Nadli and told him she was talking on the phone with another man.

44- He said: “My sister phoned me to say my house was on fire but it was actually next door.

45- “I phoned him later to see how things were going and he said he was at a ravine in Valle Dorado.

46- Oh I remember it well, Denis Healey told me when I phoned him in the House of Lords a few months ago.

47- He denied having phoned the bombers and knowing them.

48- Siobhan quickly subdued Josh with a candlestick and phoned for an ambulance.

49- The girls were alone in a house and Jodie was annoyed when Kayleigh phoned asking to be picked up.

50- The smoke was also so thick in that section that he feared to go in so went over to J. Baldwin and phoned the waterworks.

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