philosophers in a sentence

Use ‘philosophers’ in a sentence | ‘philosophers’ example sentences

1- philosophers tend to have little contact with the outside world.

2- According to a Serbian proverb, when coins rattle, philosophers are silent.

3- philosophers such as Socrates and Plato have had a lot of influence on Western thought.

4- Both psychologists and philosophers are keenly interested in determining the origins of knowledge.

5- Many of the fundamental issues which concern psychologists today were originally framed by philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato.

6- William James once remarked that there is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.

7- G.

8- C.

9- “He had great ideas: “We need more welders and less philosophers” was a great line.

10- Wright appeared in “The philosophers,” followed by “Before I Sleep” with Tom Sizemore.

11- Marco Rubio, in a tale about plumbers and philosophers, undersold the value of a college education.

12- Do you think philosophers should ignore their history and start afresh each generation?

13- François Brousse goes about like Greek philosophers from many centuries ago.

14- The process involved numerous philosophers, sociologists, political scientists and cultural theorists.

15- Cuffe here shows wide reading in the writings of the Greek philosophers; a belief in astrology, and faith in a divine providence.

16- However philosophers needed Patronage in order to live.

17- Two leading Neo-Confucianist philosophers held this judgment.

18- ” Prefaces p. 15, 19 And the rumor was that all theologians should be philosophers.

19- Some philosophers of mind have argued that consciousness is a form of user illusion.

20- In Das Kapital, he writes, “Bentham is among the philosophers what Tupper is among poets.

21- The devil reveals he has eaten the souls of many of these philosophers, intriguing Bon-Bon.

22- Radbruch is also regarded as one of the most influential legal philosophers of the 20th century.

23- Animal ethics is another well documented subject where philosophers, since Aristotle http://plato.

24- An avid reader, he enjoys readings on philosophers, such as Friedrich Nietzsche in his spare time.

25- philosophers distinguished veins from arteries, but thought the pulse was a property of arteries themselves.

26- Once a philosophers‘ path through the peaceful fishing bay, the route leads imperceptibly downhill through shaded pine forests.

27- Ellis uses the thoughts of historic philosophers to prove some of the thought processes of Cubs fan’s that he includes in his book.

28- Many philosophers of intercultural thought suggest similar but nonetheless different rules or guidelines when approaching other traditions.

29- Freud Freud (2003) is a short critical discussion of Freud written for The Great philosophers series edited by Ray Monk and Frederic Raphael.

30- Raphael, F. The Great philosophers London: Phoenix, p. 447, ISBN 0-7538-1136-7 Popper inherited both the library and the disposition from him.

31- Few philosophers or theologians have written so much of high quality in the amount of time used by St. Thomas: a little less than three decades.

32- She responded to the questions of citizens, foreigners, kings, and philosophers on issues of political impact, war, duty, crime, laws-even personal issues.

33- philosophers should be able to clarify the concept of betrayal, compare and contrast it with other moral concepts, and critically assess betrayal situations.

34- Quine’s proposal is extremely controversial among contemporary philosophers and has several important critics, with Jaegwon Kim the most prominent among them.

35- Elsewhere, Ocelot kills the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) and takes documents containing the identities of the philosophers in an effort to “end them”.

36- Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 94 95. Claudius Severus, another friend, from a Greek family of Paphlagonia, gave Marcus an understanding of what these philosophers stood for.

37- This view also suggests that the universe is eternal, and both of these points were criticized by al-Ghazzali in his attack on the philosophers Reisman, p57 Corbin, H. (1993).

38- philosophers call such propositions “analytic.

39- “Karl Marx takes lead in BBC poll of philosophers“.

40- In early Greek and Roman history, a few philosophers who?

41- philosophers can eat if neither of their neighbors are eating.

42- ” Thomistic philosophers refer similarly to the “natural light of reason”.

43- Of course, some philosophers who were not logical positivists disagreed with this.

44- Wain is also a board member of the International Network of philosophers of Education.

45- ” The Yellow Journal also included satire of atheists, philosophers, and many other religions.

46- Some modern day Islamic philosophers explore issues in common with modern Catholic philosophers.

47- However, many significant criticisms of his views have come from other philosophers and scientists.

48- Gramsci, writing in early 20th century Italy, argued that all people are intellectuals and philosophers.

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