pew in a sentence

Use ‘pew’ in a sentence | ‘pew’ example sentences

1- A similar study by pew in 2012 found the net migration to be near zero.

2- 92691A typical teen sends and receives 30 texts per day, according to pew.

3- The pew report was answered by 45,435 respondents in 40 different countries.

4- pew Research Center Lindsey Cook is a data reporter for U.S. News & World Report.

5- A seminal study by the pew Foundation released this week bolstered that analysis.

6- E-mails to the Trump campaign seeking comment on the pew report were not returned.

7- This is the lowest level in 30 years, according to the recent pew Research Center poll.

8- Wietfeldt remembers vividly the feeling of seeing young Sailor sitting in a pew in front of him.

9- Statistics from the pew Research Centre from 2011 show there are roughly 10,000 Muslims in Cuba.

10- A pew Research Center survey released Thursday found that 92 percent of US teens go online daily.

11- Now they often gain insights in real time, pew said, letting them be more responsive and efficient.

12- pew defined poverty as a family of four with two children that has income of less than $24,000 a year.

13- Polling data from the pew Research Center shows Americans from both parties are skeptical about trade.

14- Mr. Singh served on the Advisory Board of the pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

15- Cooch became a surrogate mother for pew, coaching him in the way of birds as best he can.

16- There was room for a congregation of 700; pew rent was charged on 300 of these seats at first.

17- The carved arms of Richard Sunderland of High Sunderland, who died in 1634, are attached to another pew.

18- Above Washington’s pew is an 18th-century oil painting of the Great Seal of the United States ; adopted in 1782.

19- The pew seats are painted blue, and otherwise oak-coloured with individual numbers for the various farms and families.

20- A small crest is engraved underneath the left side of the pew bearing the symbol of Mr. Green’s manufacturing company.

21- ” The preface to this poem in the original manuscript had: ”Written on the Back of a pew before divine service while the folk were gathering up.

22- Sharkey, Patrick (2009, July) “Neighborhoods and the Black-White Mobility Gap,” Washington, DC: The Economic Mobility Project, The pew Charitable Trusts.

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