petrol in a sentence 2

Use ‘petrol’ in a sentence | ‘petrol’ example sentences

51- OMV petrol Ofisi A.Ş. is Turkey’s leading fuel products distribution and lubricants company.

52- ;;Semel ::(1974) 810 hp fuel-injected petrol engine, three-speed semi-automatic transmission.

53- Irish army upgrade In 1983 Irish army tested a M3 fitted with a 140 hp Peugeot V6 petrol engine.

54- The vehicles were now branded as the L 405 (diesel powered) and L 407 (petrol / gasoline powered).

55- The Vedeneyev M14P is a Russian nine cylinder, four-stroke, air-cooled, petrol-powered radial engine.

56- This diesel was a Renault F-series like the petrol 1.7, and was available with a 1.6 litre non-turbo engine only.

57- V8 engine Previously, Holden had considered discontinuing their V8 engine rather than adapting it to unleaded petrol.

58- A 50 hp petrol-driven Drewry Railcar was bought in 1927 to test its operating cost and reliability on lightly used branch lines.

59- Power comes from impressive 16-valve 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 Zetec petrol engines as well as a not-so-impressive 1.8 turbo-diesel.

60- In India, CNG costs are at Rs 31.50 per kg compared with Rs. 75.00 per liter of petrol(prices as of October 2011 in Bangalore, India).

61- They enforced a petrol rationing scheme and issued passes to those permitted to go to work.

62- The word “petrol” has been used in English to refer to raw petroleum since the 16th century.

63- The gang brawls between Mines and petrol creates a very grave problem for the people of Shivpuri.

64- Acrefair has a newsagents, a petrol station, a post office, a chemist and two Chinese take-aways.

65- The engine did not use the usual avio-petrol but a mixture of petrol (55%), alcohol (23%) and benzole (22%).

66- Kabir see’s the petrol on the car leaking, rushes to save Simar and gather the body before the car explodes.

67- Like an old-fashioned steam train it had a boiler which had to be stoked, as it ran on coal instead of petrol.

68- Dacia Sandero Stepway comes with a 1.6-liter and bhp ( kW; PS) petrol engine or 1.5 dCi bhp ( kW; PS) diesel engine.

69- In 1992, he had a brief appearance on the Channel 4 soap Brookside as the racist owner of the petrol station, George Webb.

70- U.S. models have a 5.6 V8, while models in other markets are motivated by V6 and V8 turbo diesel engines and a I6 petrol engine.

71- In 1908 he started a motorcycle business in Invercargill and fitted the imported bikes with his own invention – a petrol economiser.

72- UK sales begin in March 1999, with 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 four-cylinder and 2.3 V5 petrol engines available as well as a 1.9 turbo-diesel.

73- Jason and Wayne are both killed in their getaway car after one of them lights a cigarette while his hands are still covered in petrol.

74- ” The Sanitary Orderly mistakenly cleans the latrine with petrol, an officer lights a cigarette, causing second degree burns on the bum.

75- The 2012 3 Series is expected to be powered by a new family of aluminum four-cylinder petrol engines ranging from 135 to 245 horsepower.

76- Charles Highland was a Sydney bicycle dealer who imported a Daimler petrol engine in 1894 and constructed a primitive motorised tricycle.

77- Rallycross Fiesta ERC Div 1 is racecar with a 2.0 L Duratec turbocharged four cylinder engine, running on petrol or E85 (85% ethanol/15% petrol).

78- Race Schuppan was leading Malcolm Ramsay’s Birrana when Schuppan’s March kicked up some stones, puncturing Ramsay’s fuel tank and covering him in petrol.

79- Dockyard Railways From 15 December 1900 there was tramway access via Grove Street, to the Foreign Cattle Market, using their own Maudslay petrol locomotive.

80- FIDO used pipes along both sides of the main runway to pump petrol in a fine spray which was ignited to create lines of flames to disperse fog and to aid landing.

81- The engines can work with the full spectrum of crude oil distillates, from natural gas, alcohols, petrol, wood gas to the fuel oils from diesel oil to residual fuels.

82- Unreferenced The Giottiline Ginko is a city car from Italian motor home producer Giottiline, that features a 500 cc petrol or diesel engine and scissor-style front doors.

83- Known denominations include 1, 10 and 20 litres of petrol, and translate roughly into the local petrol price (about 1 UK pound sterling per litre or US$1.50 in late 2008).

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