petitioned in a sentence

Use ‘petitioned’ in a sentence | ‘petitioned’ example sentences

1- The villagers petitioned against the nuclear power plant.

2- In 1956, Julius Nyerere petitioned for Tanganyika’s independence in a speech to the United Nations.

3- Norma McCorvey, the woman whose 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case helped make abortion legal in the United States, has petitioned to overturn that historic decision.

4- He petitioned for divorce immediately after the bodies were discovered.

5- A family member has since petitioned the court to be executor of his estate.

6- Prosecutors last week petitioned Garsh to grant Jenkins immunity to testify.

7- State ethics enforcement lawyers had petitioned the court for the suspension.

8- His organization petitioned the IOM to undertake an investigation of diagnostic errors.

9- They petitioned and remonstrated; they did so in a decorous, respectful, and loyal manner.

10- The million-plus fans who petitioned the BBC to recall Clarkson should be ashamed of themselves.

11- A few months later, they petitioned that same council for a list of all the city’s Jewish citizens.

12- In 1796 Charles petitioned the court to have appointed commissioners “mark and bound” his land.

13- The Queen was petitioned by BC’s Premier Walkem for relief from failure to delivery the promise of a railroad to Victoria.

14- American Township was named German Township until 1918 when the township’s citizens successfully petitioned for the name change.

15- The New Hampshire Grants region petitioned Congress for entry into the American union as a state independent of New York in 1776.

16- In April 1600 Lee petitioned for a return to Ireland.

17- The Nawab of Bhopal petitioned in vain to be received under British protection.

18- The AALE petitioned the Department of Education for renewal of recognition in December, 2010.

19- In 1891, Benito Soberanes, one of the other sons, petitioned to have the mother declared incompetent.

20- ” He also petitioned the body in 1851 in a failed attempt to be reimbursed for his expenses on the trip.

21- He resigned from Les Grands Hautbois in 1777, petitioned for bankruptcy in 1778 and died in Paris four years later.

22- SAM was created after the city successfully petitioned TriMet to be removed from the TriMet district in the late 1990s.

23- Dunn, pp. 249 & 298 In 1809, the St. Clair County settlers petitioned Congress for the formation of a separate territory.

24- However, parking and recreation facilities were inadequate; playgrounds were added only after tenants petitioned for their installation.

25- In 1828, Don Salvio Pacheco, whose ancestors were soldier-colonists with Anza, petitioned the Mexican government for lands in the valley.

26- In November 2005, Kofi Annan petitioned the Security Council to strengthen its R2P commitments, with regard to civilians in armed conflict.

27- III) ‘before he had received any benefit by it,’ Ellis in the next reign petitioned parliament for a bill of relief, and obtained it in May 1702.

28- Rebecca Julia Brown (born Ruth Irene Bailey In 1986, Bailey successfully petitioned the California Superior Court to change her name to “Rebecca Brown”.

29- Based on his experience working with Hodder, Buechler petitioned Frank Mancuso Jr. to hire him, but Mancuso was apprehensive about Hodder’s limited size.

30- In 1711 Calvert petitioned for a divorce from his wife on the grounds of her “open adultery”, but the petition was unsuccessful and the divorce was not granted.

31- Adamson and Folland, pp. 422-425 The parliament, after passing the Indemnity Act, petitioned Charles to grant clemency to Vane and others, asking that his life might be spared.

32- In 1853, Poplin petitioned the state legislature to change the name.

33- The newspaper changed their policy after the GLF petitioned the Voice to do so.

34- The second husband petitioned for nullity alleging that the marriage was bigamous.

35- Fairborne petitioned in August that his pay as commander-in-chief might not be taken away.

36- Colonial Governor James Douglas petitioned the British government to build the lighthouse.

37- In 1784, still in Montreal, he unsuccessfully petitioned Congress to reimburse him for his losses.

38- Schor then petitioned the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for review.

39- Neighbors have petitioned the City of Dubuque (and received) no-parking permit districts on their streets.

40- Soon British naval officers petitioned for the building of repair and maintenance facilities in English Harbour.

41- On February 16, 1437, described as “Canon of Glasgow”, he petitioned the Pope for a licence to choose a confessor.

42- Small-scale fishermen, who account for 70% of Venezuela’s fish production, have petitioned for the measure for decades.

43- The original school was named Hayes and Lathum School, but the residents petitioned the county to rename it Deer Creek school.

44- Program scientists petitioned the AEC to allow for a program-within-a-program to use the aircraft for such scientific research.

45- These monks did not wish to go and petitioned Yao, who ruled that the monks did not have to go, despite repeated requests by Zhang.

46- In 1653 Margaret petitioned the Council of State to pay her £500, a small part of the sum borrowed from her husband by the parliament.

47- Walker, p.4 Locals from Kew were upset by the proposal and petitioned the government, to no avail.

48- In 1910 he built a store and petitioned for a post office-and with that, Winnett became an official town.

49- Area business leaders from Whitevale and Green River petitioned to create a railway station at Locust Hill.

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