peter in a sentence 3

Use ‘peter’ in a sentence | ‘peter’ example sentences

99- “My mother felt thwarted by the world and oppressed, rightly,” peter Smith said.

100- peter Phillips is the oldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

101- 693136The CBC’s peter Worden was reporting live from the courtroom via Twitter.

102- BBC royal correspondent peter Hunt said the latest denial was “quite remarkable”.

103- James Braid, John Henry Taylor, peter Thomson, and Tom Watson all have five wins.

104- peter Weber Hillary Clinton will spend Thursday in front of House Benghazi panel.

105- For the new peter Lake experiment, the dominance of bass or minnows is irrelevant.

106- peter Mellgard / The WorldPost A small fishing boat in the lagoon on Majuro Atoll.

107- “So I was whipped again because I didn’t know my name was peter Nakogee,” he said.

108- Under interim coach peter Horachek, the Leafs have dropped two of the three games.

109- peter saw Alison collecting clothing on the beach and heading home to wash and dry.

110- Earl peter Lathlin, 23, was initially arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

111- Security guard peter Grant confronted him and insults and then punches were thrown.

112- Gov. peter Shumlin of Vermont advised people to lock their doors and stay vigilant.

113- Watson was joined at 5 under for the championship by Jeff Maggert and peter Fowler.

114- Daniels’ death was first reported Friday by sports insider peter Vecsey on Twitter.

115- Pentagon spokesman peter Cook said authorities were still assessing who was rescued.

116- She called herself “Tinkerbell” in text messages and referred to him as “peter Pan”.

117- peter Jung, the mayor of Wuppertal, called for solidarity with the Jewish community.

118- Then, in a separate scene, Jihadi John appears with peter Kassig’s head at his feet.

119- Former Hannover head coach peter Neururer has been touted as a possible replacement.

120- It was — it was like we didn’t have a sense of peace,” Hoysradt told peter Van Sant.

121- Josiah peter Ham was born on Oct. 1 to Jake and Amber (McDonald) Ham of Mt. Sterling.

122- Producers are Big Beach’s Marc Turtletaub and peter Saraf, along with Dorothy Berwin.

123- DW’s peter Dahl followed a group of Syrians on the last leg of their arduous journey.

124- Catholic Bishop Franz-peter Tebartz-van Elst ordered the luxury residence and office.

125- Denly was next go, caught behind by wicket-keeper Brad Haddin off peter Saddle (1-32).

126- Benjamin peter Ashley, 34, died last weekend during a shooting involving two deputies.

127- This is a huge tragedy that has happened on our Strip, police Lt. peter Boffelli said.

128- This is a huge tragedy that has occurred on our Strip, police Lt. peter Boffelli said.

129- It has Mirella Freni as a lyrical Desdemona and peter Glossop as a highly malign Iago.

130- peter says he had been eyeing one of Ramona’s girlfriends when he fell for her instead.

131- Spoils of prosperity As Karratha’s mayor, peter Long sees a lot more hope for the town.

132- He began working at Founders Fund with Sean Parker and peter Thiel in the fall of 2008.

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