petals in a sentence

Use ‘petals’ in a sentence | ‘petals’ example sentences

1- The flower has very delicate petals, so be careful when you’re holding it.

2- In ancient Persia, almonds were stored in jars with flower petals to perfume them prior to use in desserts.

3- Put violet petals in a deep bowl and pour the boiling water over them.

4- Sun shines through the petals of a daisy Monday, March 9, in Frankfurt, Germany.

5- Media Galleries Bouquets of flowers sit outside, their colorful petals withering in the summer heat.

6- “I felt it again when I saw the petals of the light in the stone — the infinite reflections of light.

7- Each has green or purplish bracts and sepals and no petals.

8- The flowers are small, greenish-yellow, with 5-6 sepals and no petals.

9- The inflorescence is an array of several flowers, each with five pink petals.

10- The inflorescence bears one or more flowers with usually four tiny bright yellow petals.

11- Each has an urn-shaped calyx of pink sepals about half a centimeter long with pink petals emerging from the tip.

12- For example, Sandy is needed to ride pigeons, Bijou is needed to collect falling petals, and Penelope is needed for rolling on top of cans to get across small streams.

13- These are composed of feather-like sepals, 10 millimetres long, that have 12-14 silver-white lobes, becoming lilac to purple at the base, and petals with deeper colouration.

14- The frilly petals inside are nearly white with purple veining.

15- Flower petals range from cerise to reddish violet with a white base.

16- Flowers have four petals, two stamens and one pistil ( Alpine Lakes Wilderness ).

17- The flowers are generally one-inch singles or double, with star shaped petals and a flatness.

18- Each flower has yellow petals up to 4 centimeters in length which fade orange or red with age.

19- Ina awaits Pol on an air balloon hanging over the yard of the home, throwing rose petals at him.

20- A hammer strikes a wheel with petals, the “daisy wheel”, each petal containing a letter form at its tip.

21- Yolk color is, for example, enhanced if the diet includes products such as yellow corn and marigold petals.

22- Each flower is made up of a fused pocket of sepals enclosing the stamens and stigmas ; there are no petals.

23- U. perfoliata has similar large perfoliate leaves like the grandiflora, but the flowers have orange-coloured bumps on the petals.

24- The flower is distinctively yellow or orange with four petals, and hairy green sepals that fall off quickly after the flower opens.

25- Jepson Manual. 1993 The paddle-like petals are a shade of pink to reddish to purple and are slender and diamond-shaped or triangular.

26- Each flower is 1 to 4 centimeters wide and lacks petals, having instead petallike sepals which are usually white or sometimes yellow.

27- The landing capsule had four triangular petals which would open after landing, righting the spacecraft and exposing the instrumentation.

28- The four sepals are purplish, the four petals narrow to a claw at the base and there is a central boss with four styles and eight stamens.

29- The flowers have five symmetrical petals; petal colours in different species include yellow (most common), orange, red-brown, purple, blue, or white.

30- His head is an inverted rubber mould for a Buddha figurine, his eyelashes are plastic sunflower petals, and a sweater sleeve composes most of his body.

31- O’Keeffe’s ultra-closeup flower paintings reveal both the physical structure and the emotional subtext of petals and leaves in an unprecedented manner.

32- The flowers are drooping, 1 cm diameter with four or five white or pale pink petals and numerous short stamens; the fruit is a small red, white or purple berry 1 cm diameter.

33- Subgenus Psilanthum Species of the Cyclamen repandum group have flowers with long, slender petals, leaves with scalloped edges, and tubers rooting from the center of the bottom.

34- The flowers are produced in spring, yellow-green, in pendulous corymbs ; they are small, with five greenish sepals and five yellow-white petals about 2 mm long, and eight stamens.

35- Each flower has five woolly sepals and no petals.

36- The flowers are 5-10 mm diameter, with five white petals.

37- The final series of Big Brother used a design with flowers and petals.

38- His girlfriend sidles up to him, pulls a few petals off, but then leaves him.

39- Flowers The petals of the Hamamelidaceae are generally narrow and ribbon-like.

40- The flower lacks petals but has pink petallike sepals which fade white with age.

41- Bellossom’s petals can rotate, and they usually do when it is absorbing sunlight.

42- The five gamesepalous petals have oblong or ovate lobes and are disposed in one whorl.

43- The filiform petals, also dilated toward the end, are 10 mm long and less than 1 mm wide.

44- B Vertical section of the flower, sepals, and petals cut away; fr ovary, gr style, n stigma.

45- The flowers are 1-2 cm diameter, with five white to pale yellow or pink petals and yellow stamens.

46- The inflorescence is a raceme of many fragrant flowers each with four pink-veined lavender petals.

47- The glandular inflorescence bears bright to deep pink flowers with petals 1 or 2 centimeters long.

48- The blossom does however, look star-like, with its white, pointed petals surrounding a yellow center.

49- The flowers have five luminous petals up to 70 mm long, these are overlapping and have slight ridges.

50- The yellow petals are accompanied by sepals that stand vertically at near right angles (erecto-patent).

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