persuaded in a sentence 2

Use ‘persuaded’ in a sentence | ‘persuaded’ example sentences

51- Barroso persuaded the censors to save the line.

52- Amber persuaded them to let C.J. move in as well.

53- I am now, however, nearly persuaded of its truth.

54- Albornoz persuaded Alonso de Estrada to release Salazar and Chirinos.

55- General Bak Bo, who persuaded Bang-gan to fight against Bangwon, was executed.

56- A friend persuaded her to enroll in a national modeling contest called “Model 92”.

57- One day, a fox persuaded him to give it the pears, because it would bring him luck.

58- Louis was persuaded by the Earl of Winchester to send a relief force to the castle.

59- Poyer persuaded the island’s natives to mount a shore patrol to prevent illegal landings.

60- Willis persuaded Joe to invest with him in various oil wells, all of which failed to produce.

61- Kelly is “persuaded” (after having one of his fingers shot off by Rossiter) to help steal the herd.

62- She was persuaded into the water at the next spring tide by a combination of pontoons, jacks and tugs.

63- They persuaded 1001 individuals to join the club, where each member would contribute US $10,000 to the trust.

64- She was persuaded by her jealous sisters to discover his identity by holding a lamp to his face as he slept.

65- Lysander arrived before Pausanias and persuaded the city of Orchomenus to revolt from the Boeotian confederacy.

66- ” Quinn, 389 Minor Southern writer Joseph Beckham Cobb wrote: “No sane person, we are persuaded, can read his poetry”.

67- In early November 1830, he persuaded Captain John Stewart of the brig Elizabeth to hide him and his warriors on board.

68- The Sorbonne condemned the book, while the priests persuaded the court that it was full of the most dangerous doctrines.

69- Bismarck persuaded Leopold’s father to accept the offer for his nation, and it was accepted instead by Leopold himself in June 1870.

70- Lusk wanted to throw both away, but he was persuaded to take them to Dr Frederick Wiles, who had a surgery nearby on the Mile End Road.

71- In 1992 CWIN persuaded the Government to ratify the International Labour Organization ’s convention to end the worst forms child labour.

72- One farmer in the gallery had been about to leave rather than listen to Bryan, whom he deemed a Populist; he had been persuaded to stay.

73- In 1948, he persuaded Truman to conduct a whistle stop tour of the Midwest, which won the President the states needed for his reelection.

74- In 1949 he awarded MD and in 1951 persuaded University College Hospital to establish a metabolic ward with beds, laboratories and outpatient clinics.

75- “Or, should it be led by a man, who out of fear for his job, would listen to and be persuaded by politicians who are usually trying to create votes?

76- In 1787, a group of New Englanders headed west and persuaded one Jacob Vanderhyden to sell them a large tract which they then subdivided and named Troy.

77- Marković persuaded the majority and the Comintern confirmed the “right-wing” majority but also appealed to the “left-wing” by criticizing the former leadership.

78- She is also persuaded by Kin’s best friend, Fook, who loves Ling.

79- Having persuaded Clerc to accompany him, Gallaudet sailed back to America.

80- Preece persuaded Spencer to sign his house and financial affairs over to her.

81- Don finally persuaded her, just before Sasa wants to give birth on the street.

82- Many kingdoms and tribes had been conquered or persuaded to join the Inca empire.

83- The police officer Isabel Becker persuaded the now alcohol-addicted Born to return.

84- The judge persuaded Stephen Roddy, a Chattanooga real estate lawyer, to assist him.

85- Richard Cobden persuaded Somerville to join the Anti-Corn Law League in August 1842.

86- He made contact with King Harald III Hardrada of Norway and persuaded him to invade England.

87- He persuaded her husband’s parents that she was a witch whose hand had been cut off in punishment.

88- When persuaded to seek advice a second time, the oracle gave a way for the Athenians to escape their doom.

89- Hume shortly afterwards started the journal Stray Feathers and persuaded ornithologists in India to publish there.

90- Royal power also started to slip, as Henry was persuaded to grant many royal lands and estates to the Lancastrians.

91- In 1976, Benirschke persuaded the Board of Trustees of the San Diego Zoo to establish a formal research department.

92- The Norse inhabitants resisted fiercely, until the Bishop of Ferns persuaded them to accept a settlement with Dermot.

93- His friend Colin Wilson in England persuaded him to publish his stories in collections in both hard- and softback form.

94- Webber 2006, p. 177 Renwick persuaded her to return to work on the final series to provide a continuity and circularity.

95- Brabham designer Gordon Murray persuaded Chiti to produce a V-12 engine to allow ground effect to be exploited by the team.

96- Rowse had planned to study English literature, having developed an early love of poetry, but was persuaded to read history.

97- Lehrer persuaded Duncan to move to Dallas where he continued to cover politics but also served as an investigative reporter.

98- She discovers magic while spying on Negi, though she is persuaded to keep it a secret in exchange for a probationary contract.

99- Baldassarre Cossa (shortly to be an antipope as John XXIII) persuaded him, perhaps with Butrio, to write in 1405 on the schism.

100- This move persuaded the three Slavic presidents to include Kazakhstan among the signatories to a recast document of dissolution.

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