perspective in a sentence

Use ‘perspective’ in a sentence | ‘perspective’ example sentences

1- I share his political perspective.

2- We must see the matter in its proper perspective.

3- As he grew up, he learned to put things in perspective.

4- Children’s drawings don’t generally show much sense of perspective.

5- Living in a foreign culture helps you to gain a different perspective on life.

6- The building in the painting is out of perspective, it appears much too small.

7- Paintings of the Middle Ages didn’t really show much perspective, everything looked flat.

8- As you get older, and gain more experience, you may develop a different perspective on life.

9- His newspaper column offers the left wing perspective on today’s political and social issues.

10- Detachment provides perspective, which in turn permits a certain amount of pattern recognition.

11- The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new perspective on life.

12- The musical practices of the late Renaissance persisted well into the seventeenth century.

13- perspectiveAccording to the Marxist perspective, it is the family that is most responsible for the repression of women.

14- It is always interesting to read about one’s own country and its culture from the perspective of recent immigrants.

15- Sergio has an interesting perspective on the Mexican election because his uncle is a member of the Opposition party.

16- From the perspective of those involved in the export business in Canada, the low value of the Canadian dollar is not always considered as something bad.

17- Case studies are used by researchers in psychology to gain a historical perspective, which often helps in forming hypotheses about the causes of a psychological disturbance.

18- Martin Luther King, Jr.

19- once said that our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation, and this means we must develop a world perspective.

20- Martin Luther King, Jr.

21- once said that our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation, and this means we must develop a world perspective.

22- tributeYouth activist Craig Kielburger once observed that the perspective of children is desperately needed if we are to create a better and safer world for children, for youth, for everybody.

23- 661659Thankfully, adulthood has changed my hair and my perspective.

24- 242003From a public health perspective, alcohol taxes are important.

25- But polling by Abacus Data provides a somewhat different perspective.

26- You can instead choose to look at it from the daughter’s perspective.

27- They have little if any perspective and they often use poor judgment.

28- “The painting and perspective work is remarkable,” Schaub points out.

29- So yes, from that perspective it is revolutionizing what we’re doing.”

30- 843019This image is from a perspective above Pluto’s equatorial area.

31- Ryan Divish covers the Mariners and offers his perspective all season.

32- “From a practical perspective, what difference does this bill fix make?

33- Permalink Flag Paul Ross 15 hours ago Interesting post and perspective.

34- From the perspective of at least some colleges, $142,400 is not wealthy.

35- From my perspective, it’s a wake-up call, Bromenshenk wrote in an email.

36- The companies would seem to have little to fear from a legal perspective.

37- With a simple chocolate product, this man altered my perspective on life.

38- So from that perspective, you sort of end up taking your eye off the ball.

39- The fact that she survived the suicide attempt gave her a new perspective.

40- From Amazon’s perspective, the move to better link households makes sense.

41- From a technical perspective, the S&P 500 managed to hold the 2,040 level.

42- Bring perspective that Senate is an independent, non-partisan institution.

43- Williams says her health problems have given her a new perspective on life.

44- Indeed, Zeldin adds, Congress could use more members with this perspective.

45- “Phil’s experience and wide perspective are a perfect fit for S2K Graphics.

46- It doesn’t make any sense from a public safety perspective,” Paterson said.

47- The feds are going to have to sort that out, but from the city perspective.

48- From the perspective of criminal policy, does the death penalty deter crime?

49- 809676The thing we’ll bring to it is that Larry’s perspective is different.

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