persisted in a sentence

Use ‘persisted’ in a sentence | ‘persisted’ example sentences

1- Her politics and rebellious spirit persisted long after her abdication of power.

2- She persisted in her opinion.

3- He persisted in marrying her.

4- The boy persisted in his opinion.

5- He persisted in his project.

6- EldadHe always persisted in his errors.

7- He stubbornly persisted in his opinion.

8- He persisted in his work until he succeeded.

9- He strongly persisted in arguing his opinion.

10- He persisted in accomplishing his original plan.

11- He persisted in the experiment until he was successful.

12- Yoshio persisted in believing that in spite of the evidence.

13- The course was quite difficult for her, but she persisted and finally she was able to pass.

14- Despite the hardships, they persisted in giving each of their children a college education.

15- The musical practices of the late Renaissance persisted well into the seventeenth century.

16- perspectiveStill, the idea of Chagas as a foreign illness persisted for half a century.

17- The presenter then tried to interviene, but he persisted: “It’s a fact, it’s a fact.

18- Hazy conditions persisted, but a series of storms went through the area Wednesday night.

19- Threats against people outside of France, particularly against journalists, persisted Sunday.

20- The warning against being a generalist has persisted for hundreds of years in dozens of languages.

21- While the gangrene in Tull’s fingernails, ears and nose began to reverse, it persisted in his feet.

22- It has persisted through three mayoral administrations (Barrett, Wilkinson, Adkins), and maybe more.

23- The toxin was created by a large algae bloom that persisted on the West Coast throughout the summer.

24- ” The monk persisted, “When the crying has stopped, what is it then?

25- The local company names persisted within the corporate schemes until the trend of regional re-grouping along geographic lines.

26- Hay Associates proved that in the 19 years since the Equal Pay Act was passed, wage discrimination persisted and had even increased over from 1976 to 1981.

27- In consequence he persisted even more in his efforts to win the friendship of this man, sending him from then on many affectionately and courteously worded communications.

28- Whoever was there seems to have persisted through the eruption.

29- Malone persisted in her studies and became the first African American to graduate from the university.

30- Slavery persisted into the Sengoku period (1467-1615), but the attitude that slavery was anachronistic had become widespread.

31- Kushans invaded again in the 1st century, but the Indo-Scythian rule persisted in some areas of Central India until the 5th century.

32- This behavior persisted even in blinded fish, but was greatly diminished when lateral line function was inhibited by CoCl2 application.

33- Saundby concludes, “had the Germans persisted in their policy for another fortnight the result would have been disastrous for Fighter Command.

34- The former was cured with mass balancing but the rudder flutter persisted, particularly in high speed dives until the rudders were redesigned.

35- Charles Garfield Nauert, Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe (1995), p. 138. Hoogstraaten persisted, when Peter moved in 1508 to Mainz.

36- The villagers nevertheless persisted until Israel called off the siege and the raids at the end of October 1989, due to media exposure and the ensuing international outcry.

37- Deep Depression BOB 04 On June 28, an area of disturbed weather in the Bay of Bengal that had persisted as a well-marked low pressure area for two days became more organised.

38- Hale’s image as the Skipper persisted in the 1980s.

39- The issue persisted and was fixed on October 29 after 4 outages.

40- For example, in 1607-1608, ice persisted on Lake Superior until June.

41- Use of Roman numerals persisted after the decline of the Roman Empire.

42- This diocese seems to have persisted without a break up to the present day.

43- ” This conduct was persisted in, although protested against by the defendant.

44- “By force of popularity, uniformity of rate has persisted to our present day.

45- This focus on large-scale irrigation persisted until the Late Intermediate period.

46- Jews found in the kingdom were jailed and expelled, and this ban persisted until 1851.

47- P. praeclara has persisted in areas that have been lightly grazed, periodically burned, or regularly mowed.

48- A spark from a wire in the center fuel tank was the culprit, although several alternative theories have persisted.

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