permission in a sentence

Use ‘permission’ in a sentence | ‘permission’ example sentences

1- Excuse me ” given permission to abstain “.

2- I’ll get permission from my superior.

3- No one is to leave without permission.

4- He entered my room without permission.

5- He was granted permission to leave early.

6- He was granted permission to go home early.

7- He used her bike without asking permission.

8- He will grant permission for you to go out.

9- She gave me permission to use her dictionary.

10- She was accorded permission to use the library.

11- You should not have done it without my permission.

12- The teacher granted me permission to go home early.

13- Controlled Access Zone No entry without permission.

14- You must not park your car there without permission.

15- The young boy asked permission to go to the washroom.

16- The children were accorded permission to use the library.

17- In an army no man is permitted to leave without permission.

18- Duplicating published material without permission is illegal.

19- It is illegal to copy from books without the author’s permission.

20- To tell the truth, I drove my father’s car without his permission.

21- The plane idled on the runway while they waited for permission to take off.

22- Find someone who would like to live in this country permanently.

23- permissionSomeone once suggested that it is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

24- permission for the project to be continued is expected to be granted within days.

25- There is a new bylaw which prohibits the cutting down of certain kinds of trees without permission.

26- You need permission to put up that sort of poster, and, most of all, you’re ruining the looks of the street!In the Diet, often a politician or two leave without permission when a question becomes too personal.

27- A man who asks his wife’s permission before taking any action except breathing is a henpecked husband.

28- You are going to have a lot of explaining to do when Dad finds out you took the car without permission.

29- The actors were given permission to deviate slightly from the script, provided they stayed in character.

30- Discussion question: Should teenage girls be allowed to buy birth control pills without their parents’ permission?Children at the school have to get their teacher’s permission to leave the school grounds during lunch time.

31- Discussion question: Should teenagers be required to get permission from their parents to buy birth control? persistThe government has given permission to an oil company to do offshore drilling on the west coast of the state.

32- The police have just arrested a man suspected of killing his neighbor for using his lawnmower without permission.

33- When foreign citizens land in Japan, they must apply for landing permission at the air or seaports where they arrive.

34- A major shoe company was sued for using an excerpt of a Beatles’ song in one of their television ads without permission.

35- They must then go through a landing examination conducted by inspection officers before they can obtain landing permission.

36- In May of 1996, Liu Gang, one of the most prominent pro-democracy leaders to flee China, was given permission to stay in the U.S. Children cannot play on a team which is in a different district from where they live unless they get permission from the local association.

37- There are frequent instances of malicious doortodoor selling, such as pushing water purifiers on people after carrying out water quality tests without permission.

38- In seventeenth-century Japan, no citizen was allowed to leave the country on penalty of death, and anyone caught coming or going without permission was executed on the spot.

39- When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life.

40- ” viaSo the royal siblings decided to slip out and got permission to do so.

41- They’ll go to a judge to get permission to break the law,” Tassé said.

42- “She had actually granted them permission but it wasn’t the right time.

43- Young says Trump, a Republican, didn’t have permission to use the music.

44- Roux argued prosecutors had “mistakenly” been given permission to appeal.

45- The FAA has given eight Idaho companies federal permission to use drones.

46- When Gotham is in ashes, you have my permission to die, Bane seems to say.

47- It allows you to delete it when windows denies access to it w/o permission.

48- However, with six other planes in the same airspace, permission was denied.

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