periodically in a sentence 3

Use ‘periodically’ in a sentence | ‘periodically’ example sentences

100- The pier has periodically suffered severe damage due to storms and other mishaps, requiring extensive reconstruction.

101- Sardar says that scripture needs to be seen as a product of its time and, therefore, must be periodically re-examined.

102- The Alcochetanos, responsible for unloading the coal from the boat to the square, were hired periodically for this job.

103- The 1630s were troubled times and problems in the glass trade periodically collided with a background of political unrest.

104- She specializes in cataclysmic variable stars, which are binary star systems that periodically undergo energetic outbursts.

105- The lake is dredged periodically to reduce silt and to slow the natural tendency of the lake to fill in and become a meadow.

106- Mike Riordan, who had disappeared following Tom’s funeral, reappears and periodically leaves groceries on the Donovan’s porch.

107- Then, periodically, wake up all inactive nodes, and change the current active reduced topology to the next, like in a Christmas tree.

108- Eid wrote periodically for four years at the Annahar newspaper, which became the main publisher of his critical and opposing articles.

109- The signs, in conjunction with the traffic light system, employ a pulley system to periodically pull the signs over their appropriate lanes.

110- This will cause programs to ‘freeze’ periodically (and generally unpredictably), making real-time and time-critical applications impossible.

111- In TV set-top boxes, it is necessary to download program instructions periodically to customer’s units, to provide new features and to fix bugs.

112- All radio-navigation beacons are checked periodically to ensure that they are performing to the appropriate International and National standards.

113- Some oversight organizations require auditors and audit firms to undergo a third-party quality review periodically to ensure the applicable GAAS is followed.

114- In New York a Baron de Günzburg Fund was started, the interest of which was given periodically as a premium for the best work on Jewish history and literature.

115- The book builds tension through the device of letting Kenton’s tie to the ship periodically become so weak that he falls back, unwilling, to his New York home.

116- They were going by “Solid Gold Hits” on the air and were running messages periodically about advertising your business and hosting your own show on the station.

117- The counsel also encourages all church members to periodically reflect upon the meaning of their own baptisms; as well as providing clarification on open communion.

118- AP-3Cs also periodically conduct patrols over the Indian Ocean, Strait of Malacca and South China Sea from RMAF Butterworth in Malaysia as part of Operation Gateway.

119- He periodically appeared on TLC ‘s Trading Spaces through its fourth season, and was known for frequently including silk, candles and flowers in the rooms he designed.

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