period in a sentence 2

Use ‘period’ in a sentence | ‘period’ example sentences

50- The most recent period for which data is available is between March and July.

51- Contrasts of light and dark are characteristic features of the Baroque period.

52- She hasn’t had her period for a while now and is afraid she might be pregnant.

53- He committed a number of robberies throughout the city over a six-month period.

54- Sri Lanka achieved international fame for its spices during its colonial period.

55- The increase to the education budget will be phased over a period of three years.

56- The economy of this country was very dynamic in the post-war period of the 1950s.

57- The United States enjoyed a period of economic growth and prosperity in the 1950s.

58- They implemented the plan for a restructuring of the company over a 3-year period.

59- Korean art during the Three Kingdoms period has been described as simple and robust.

60- During the Viking period in Denmark, warriors were recruited from among the farmers.

61- A difficult period of transition followed the re-unification of East and West Germany.

62- The guerrillas have been given a thirty-day period in which to surrender their weapons.

63- Suddenly, there was a period of terrible violence and hatred between blacks and whites.

64- Her host family remarked on the improvement in her English over the three month period.

65- He lost his ability to speak for a long period after suffering a traumatic brain injury.

66- In adolescence, a boy’s voice changes, becoming much lower over a period of a few months.

67- He sent about .

68- billion spam emails over a period of around one and a half years.

69- During the period of the Old Kingdom, Egypt raided Nubia for slaves and natural resources.

70- The government is set to resume talks with the union after a three-day cooling-off period.

71- The bike path is closed for a temporary period so that repairs can be made to the asphalt.

72- The government is urging people to use water judiciously during the period of the drought.

73- During the Paleolithic period, bodies were often arranged in the fetal position for burial.

74- Blacks entered South Africa from the interior of Africa over a period of several centuries.

75- The home team saw their lead disintegrate after a couple of quick goals in the third period.

76- We cannot expect to have halcyon days until we get safely through the crucial period in life.

77- Discussion question: Talk about an important period in the history of your culture.

78- permanentThe Black Death reduced the population of Europe by one third in the period from 1347 to 1351.

79- The singer was on stage at the outdoor concert for only a brief period before the rain started.

80- The economies of the Pacific Rim appear to be finally emerging from a long period of recession.

81- In the postWar period, up until , Emperor Showa prayed at the Yasukuni Shrine a total of times.

82- The sun is currently in a period of low activity but even so large sunspots occasionally appear.

83- You can say that the circumstances were thus in the period leading up to the declaration of war.

84- The President said he expects the economy to recover quickly from this short period of recession.

85- Nietzsche once suggested that merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person.

86- The economies of the Pacific Rim appear to be finally recovering from a long period of recession.

87- The period of the fall of the Berlin Wall was an era of great political change in Eastern Europe.

88- Military service is compulsory for young men in Korea and lasts for a period of just over 2 years.

89- The human infant’s relatively long period of helplessness enforces dependence on adult caretakers.

90- His mother had serious emotional problems, and had to be institutionalized for an extended period.

91- The surface of the moon has been heavily battered by meteorites over a period of millions of years.

92- During a 24-hour period in 1984, over 25,000 soldiers were killed in a battle between Iran and Iraq.

93- Could it be that her prickly attitude is just because she has period pains?

94- No, couldn’t be.

95- The elasticated waist will allow pregnant women to wear the clothing over the entire 9 month period.

96- The elasticized waist will allow pregnant women to wear the clothing over the entire 9 month period.

97- The Republic of Kyrgyzstan suffered a period of confusion and violence as the Soviet Union dissolved.

98- Norway’s short summer season means farmers have to squeeze a lot of activity into a tight time period.

99- After the war, the country went through a period of chaos, with various warlords fighting for control.

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