performing in a sentence

Use ‘performing’ in a sentence | ‘performing’ example sentences

1- On one occasion he was in a tub of water performing ablutions .

2- Witnesses said the bomb went off as several worshippers were offering prayers or performing ablutions .

3- A Muslim performing complete ablution then washes every part of his or her body.

4- They assisted him in performing the operation.

5- The actor is actually performing concurrently in two different plays.

6- While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes wore a fake beard.

7- Women were officially banned from performing Japanese kabuki theater in 1629.

8- When performing experiments, it is important to monitor the results carefully.

9- The parade featured a group of performing dogs, which did tricks and delighted the spectators.

10- Musical scholars note that in the fourteenth century there was no uniform way of performing music.

11- The doctor said that his interpretation of medical ethics prevented him from performing an abortion.

12- The Beatles stopped performing live, and stuck to the recording studio in the latter half of the 1960s.

13- Management will be responsible for performing all custodial duties during the strike by the inside workers.

14- The subsidiary is being sold because the parent corporation feels it has been performing below corporate expectations.

15- Even after years of performing on stage, Beatle John Lennon was still prone to serious bouts of nervousness before a show.

16- The comic opera of the late 1700s represented people in familiar situations, and required only modest performing resources.

17- The comic opera of the late 1700s represented people in familiar situations, and required only modest performing resources.

18- famousWhile we were performing our experiments in the lab in London, similar tests were being run concurrently in both Berlin and Tokyo.

19- In its earliest days, kabuki players were mainly women, but beginning in 1629, women were banned from performing for about 250 years.

20- During the Middle Ages, men and women wandered singly or in small groups from village to village earning a living by singing, playing music and performing tricks.

21- If you are nervous performing a dialog with another student in class, reading it by yourself, and practising it ahead of time may help you to feel more comfortable.

22- Because he insists on performing his own movie stunts, martial arts actor Jackie Chan has broken his nose three times, most of the bones in his hands, both cheekbones, his ankle, and his skull.

23- performing at a higher level on home soil is nothing new for Canada.

24- Khan and Kushwaha, who are husband and wife, will also be performing.

25- He’ll be performing the album at Harold Shenkman Hall on Friday night.

26- performing are Eddie Pepitone, Kyle Dunnigan, Andy Kindler and others.

27- Excited about performing in front of elderly people or reading to them?

28- 487078Molly can be seen performing with D.C.’s chapter of Opera on Tap.

29- Shania Twain performing at the 41st Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.

30- 826142They are performing for their parent, who is watching every move.

31- Psychiatric medications often prevent performing competitively in a job.

32- Eagles of Death Metal drummer Julian Dorio keeps a beat while performing.

33- The memorial began with the school’s choir performing “Sing Me to Heaven.”

34- The accused is not performing “any TTC duties at this time,” the TTC says.

35- The performing art will count as their gym, their art and their electives.

36- It’s super inspiring to see how well the younger swimmers are performing.”

37- The images capture a “glimpse of the hidden life of the performing artist.”

38- Bob Marley performing at the Rainbow Theater in the United Kingdom in 1977.

39- Now watching Up next 1976 – ??????? Music video by 1976 performing ???????.

40- “The team is performing at a good level and playing some wonderful football.

41- The Water Board’s contractor, Knife River Materials, is performing the work.

42- He said the song featured “adult lyrics” and he still enjoyed performing it.

43- As he’s performing the autopsy he notices something in the brain isn’t right.

44- performing FGM in Egypt is punishable by three months to two years in prison.

45- She discusses performing abortions as late as 17 weeks, which is still legal.

46- This is about performing a very routine, non-emergency function of government.

47- performing live for a national primetime television audience is no small feat.

48- Music video by Duran Duran performing A View To A Kill (2003 Digital Remaster).

49- I was just checking it off the list and performing to the audience, Brown said.

50- Last week video footage emerged of a quad biker performing a wheelie on the A2.

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