performer in a sentence

Use ‘performer’ in a sentence | ‘performer’ example sentences

1- The performer dresses to accentuate the gender they are portraying.

2- We applauded the performer.

3- The audience applauded the performer.

4- My father trained me not as a man or a woman, but as a performer.

5- He has written several short stories about his experiences as a circus performer.

6- Paul is an inconsistent performer, one day he’s great, and the next he’s terrible.

7- The leading performer had to change her costume no less than 14 times during the play.

8- He is a very rich and famous performer, but he still personally answers all his correspondence from his fans.

9- We watched a street performer who was juggling a guitar, a sword, a scarf, a flaming torch, and book, all at the same time.

10- Singer George Michael was the first white performer to have a top selling album on the black music charts in the U.S. 14948A circus performer holds a board covered with throwing knives.

11- Local performer Jamel Johnson opens the show. 6 p.m. at 2700 F St. NW.

12- Grammy-winning performer Missy Elliot tweeted, “My heart is truly heavy.

13- Like every performer, Nichols is only truly at home when she’s on stage.

14- It was the worst performer in the Dow Jones industrial average last year.

15- At the plate, graduate student Michael Morman is the team’s top performer.

16- That makes it the best performer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average by far.

17- But she promised, “I will be as good a president as Beyonce is a performer.”

18- 686561The Best Real Estate Agents service can help you find a top performer.

19- Ray says that teaching often becomes something that a performer falls back on.

20- However, not everyone can become a performer for the Eight Generals, Kao said.

21- Marvel’s weakest performer, The Incredible Hunk in 2008, generated a modest profit.

22- 208897Energy is down more than 20 percent year-to-date as the worst S&P performer.

23- At the other end of the spectrum, Puerto Rico is expected to be the worst performer.

24- The energy sector was up 1 percent in the past week, and it was the weakest performer.

25- Plus it has a side burner, and it was an excellent performer in several cooking tests.

26- Still, my guess is there’s only one performer that night with a day named in his honour.

27- The company also went public last year and has been a far better performer than Alibaba.

28- 294340He was such an influential songwriter and performer,”” Jagger tweeted Wednesday.”

29- Cory was an incredible singer – a greater performer, he could sing anything, Hutton said.

30- I was a guest performer, as was Barta Gandharva, a young singer and sarangi fiddle player.

31- The Grammy-nominated performer‘s hits include “Lips Are Movin'” and “Dear Future Husband.”

32- She’s a three-time ECAC performer and competed in the USA Gymnastics nationals last season.

33- She said she expects to take Cosby’s deposition in Massachusetts, where the performer resides.

34- In 2011, Rupard won the ASCAP Foundation Leon Brettler Award for outstanding songwriter-performer.

35- Amazon, another top performer in the S&P, lost 7% since Monday, while Electronic Arts has lost 10%.

36- 951970Would a performer be able to separate success in one arena with potential failure in another?

37- The Memphis performer one of the all-time favorites .

38- Earl Locke’s father had been a vaudeville performer.

39- The show would end with one final song by the first performer.

40- Folbert was known throughout his career for being a strong clutch performer.

41- This success launched Crisp in a new direction: that of performer and lector.

42- In 2008, Kurt Elling was a regularly featured performer with his current band.

43- In early 2011, Miracle toured Australia as a performer in the SupaFest hip hop festival.

44- Becoming a solo performer Steve recorded his solo album with Paul Field of Nutshell at the helm.

45- Any young musical-theater performer who wants to see the right blend of subtlety and showmanship should too.

46- Beckerman’s books include Dynamics of Drama, Shakespeare at the Globe, and Theatrical Presentation: performer, Audience and Act.

47- In March 2008 Kinetic had a small line-up change; Margaret Staikou was replaced by a new ascended performer, Maria-Melissa Routi.

48- The performer displays a large meat hook and then proceeds to force it into the nostril, through his nasal cavity and out his mouth.

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