performance in a sentence

Use ‘performance’ in a sentence | ‘performance’ example sentences

1- The performance was received with critical acclaim .

2- It has rapid acceleration and vibrant performance.

3- Hammams in Morocco are often close to mosques to facilitate the performance of ablutions .

4- His performance was amazing.

5- What time is the next performance?

6- I was fascinated by her performance.

7- His performance was worthy of praise.

8- He cried in admiration of her performance.

9- His performance fell short of expectations.

10- His performance left nothing to be desired.

11- Her skating performance was a regular feat.

12- His performance was fair game for criticism.

13- The game’s outcome hangs on his performance.

14- She gave an amateur performance on the piano.

15- I am not satisfied with my performance today.

16- We praised him for his wonderful performance.

17- Her dance performance was simply outstanding.

18- She’s the girl whose performance won an Oscar.

19- The performance of electric cars has improved.

20- I was enchanted by the performance of the group.

21- I don’t think that his performance was any good.

22- Do you have any tickets for today’s performance?

23- Modern performance art is often deliberately transitory.

24- The movie featured the debut performance of Pamela Anderson.

25- The audience giggled and laughed throughout the performance.

26- OK, stop there! That was a strong performance from the two of you.

27- She was apprehensive about receiving criticism of her performance.

28- You must take his age into account when you judge his performance.

29- The next performance by the Bolshoi Ballet will be held on Tuesday.

30- Would you like to see a live performance of a play with me Saturday?

31- The conductor’s arms were flying about madly during the performance.

32- The audience applauded him, which means his performance was a success.

33- The winner’s performance was an awesome display of strength and skill.

34- Rehearsing too much can take all the spontaneity out of a performance.

35- Every employee’s work performance will be evaluated on a yearly basis.

36- He was negligent in the performance of his duties, so he was dismissed.

37- The Representative Director supervises Directors’ performance of duties.

38- The little girl bowed to the audience at the end of her dance performance.

39- The Beatles gave their very first performance on BBC Radio in March of 1962.

40- The applause lasted a full fifteen minutes after the end of the performance.

41- The athlete emphatically denied having taken any performance-enhancing drugs.

42- His time in today’s race is a definite improvement over his last performance.

43- Swimmer Mark Spitz’s performance in the Munich Olympics was simply spectacular.

44- It is evident from his playing that he was very nervous about this performance.

45- His brilliant performance in this latest film is guaranteed to win him an Oscar.

46- Today’s performance of the ABC Symphony Orchestra fell short of my expectations.

47- Your final grade will be partly based on your performance on the standardized tests.

48- In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the stock market.

49- Everyone has totally lost confidence in him because of his poor performance in the past.

50- Henderson was robbed of his gold medal by the brilliant performance of the Kenyan runner.

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