perfection in a sentence 2

Use ‘perfection’ in a sentence | ‘perfection’ example sentences

48- The Mausoleum of Saif ed-Din Boharsi is a vivid illustration of artisans’ innovation, their self-perfection, and searching of new ideas.

49- Wellsprings of the Great perfection: Lives and Insights of the Early Masters in the Dzogchen Lineage.

50- The Bronze was first admitted in to the American Poultry Association ‘s Standard of perfection in 1874.

51- So white is her face, that, when you contemplate her perfection, you see your own face submerged in its clarity.

52- Rikyū is portrayed as a man thoroughly dedicated to aesthetics and perfection, especially in relation to the art of tea.

53- He has merged these influences with his own drive for perfection and innovative cooking and thus developed his own unique style.

54- II); 3) his way to perfection, for example, the life plan, purity and sincerity, conscience, meditation, and the religious song (vol.

55- In response, Greg calls them “peasants”, “fools”, and “clowns”, saying he doesn’t need to change for them because he is “perfection“.

56- Shindig! magazine said “A band that never throw themselves wildly on a great idea, but instead nurture and raise it in absolute perfection..

57- On one of his nightly rounds, Devu is pursued by a cop and seeks refuge at a whorehouse run by a hooker Sarasu, played to perfection by Saritha.

58- References “The shoegaze perfection of See You Smile gives every indication that this EP is going to pick up right where bands like Slowdive left off.

59- Man’s highest perfection is not attained through knowledge, but principally through love, the tendency to, and longing for, the fountainhead of all good.

60- Samuel Pufendorf took over this metaphor in a modern context, meaning something similar, but no longer assuming that philosophy is man’s natural perfection.

61- ‘ Davidson 1955, 72. In 1924 Eaglefield Hull wrote: ‘He unites to a fine tenor voice, wide culture, perfection of vocal declamation and high dramatic attainments.

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