perennial in a sentence 2

Use ‘perennial’ in a sentence | ‘perennial’ example sentences

51- Forczyk 2010, p. 30. There were perennial problems for KG 40, and the other ‘Condor units’.

52- Commissioner Jim Zeigler became a perennial candidate following his single term on the PSC.

53- They are annual or perennial herbs to small shrubs, and many are terrestrial wetland plants.

54- Chan furthermore denounced the perennial Legco debate on the 4 June incident as “unnecessary”.

55- Kenji Miyazawa’s various legacies are the old Hanamaki city’s other perennial tourist attraction.

56- A Vegetative Treatment Area (VTA) is an area of perennial vegetation, such as a grass or a forage.

57- They are all perennial, herbaceous plants with flowers in various shades from white to purplish red.

58- This is a perennial herb producing a long, thin, branching stem approaching two meters in maximum length.

59- ‎ A perennial herb of the aster family (Asteraceae), it has yellow flowers and blooms from April to August.

60- His Greatest Hits album, released in 1957, has been a perennial best seller that has never gone out of print.

61- This is a small, hairy perennial herb growing up to about 25 centimeters tall but often remaining much smaller.

62- This is a bunching perennial herb with thin, stiff stems reaching maximum heights between 30 and 60 centimeters.

63- They would be up against the Blitz, who had beaten previous perennial champions London Olympians twice in as many weeks.

64- Hypericum pulchrum Description H. pulchrum is a dainty, rhizomatous perennial plant growing nine to eighteen inches high.

65- Pigeon pea is a large-seeded grain legume ( pulse ) with both short-season (annual) and long-season (perennial) varieties.

66- The perennial Olifants River (English: Elephant’s River) flowing for approximately 20 km through the centre of the reserve.

67- Salvia oxyphora is a herbaceous perennial that is endemic to the foothills and lower eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia.

68- Epilobium fleischeri, commonly known as Alpine Willowherb, is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Onagraceae family.

69- perennial honesty (Lunaria rediviva) and large white buttercup (Ranunculus platanifolius) may be found in places in the woods.

70- His numbers were acceptable given Lukko’s rather low profile, but not outstanding enough to grant him a perennial place in Finland.

71- “Beach erosion is a perennial challenge for coastal communities, but in Cape May, man began accelerating the natural process in 1903.

72- perennial Library, 1987 Paper Valentines became so popular in England in the early 19th century that they were assembled in factories.

73- This is a perennial grass producing a tuft of stems up to half a meter high or a bit taller.

74- There are 94 (mostly perennial) natives and 31 (mostly annual) introduced species in Australia.

75- perennial snow patches are stable for more than two years and also have bigger influence to surroundings.

76- Zizia aurea (Golden Alexanders, Golden zizia) is a flowering perennial forb of the carrot family ( Apiaceae ).

77- However, some alumni had grown accustomed to the programs’ stature as a perennial national championship contender.

78- Hibiscus moscheutos (Swamp-rose Mallow or Rose mallow) is a cold-hardy perennial wetland plant that can grow in large colonies.

79- In England, William Robinson and Gertrude Jekyll were strong proponents of the wild garden and the perennial garden respectively.

80- Salvia potaninii is a herbaceous perennial plant that is native to Sichuan province in China, growing in thickets at m (0 ft) elevation.

81- Nelson’s high-scoring Bucks earned multiple Central Division titles, and were a perennial playoff contender throughout his time as Milwaukee’s coach.

82- Taraxacum officinale, the common dandelion (often simply called ” dandelion “), is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae).

83- This is a perennial herb producing a dark green, hairy, glandular stem up to about 30 centimeters tall from taproot and a thick caudex at ground level.

84- One perennial fund raiser is the Dolbé-Keats Bazaar, run by the two Houses in December with stalls and live music (including performing members of staff).

85- Trillium vaseyi, common name: Sweet Wakerobin, is a spring flowering perennial plant which is found only in the mountains of the southeastern United States.

86- Cairns was a perennial member of the British Columbia All-Stars and was their captain when they defeated the touring Irish Football Association 3-2 in 1953.

87- Salvia chamaedryoides, or Germander sage, is an evergreen perennial native to the high desert (2100-2800 m elevation) of the Sierra Madre Oriental range in Mexico.

88- Previously, he had been a perennial candidate for the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) and its successor, the New Democratic Party (NDP), in the Windsor area.

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