per in a sentence 3

Use ‘per’ in a sentence | ‘per’ example sentences

98- We crept along the road at about 5 miles per hour for a while, until the traffic finally thinned out.

99- A bird known as the peregrine falcon can reach almost 180 miles per hour when diving through the air.

100- The world’s fastest racquet sport is badminton, where shuttlecock speeds approach 200 miles per hour.

101- Despite its large size, the grizzly bear is amazingly fast, reaching speeds of over 35 miles per hour.

102- Freight rates between Skagway and Juneau are forty-five cents per pound for one hundred or more pounds.

103- To help prevent cancer, experts recommend eating seven to ten servings of vegetables and fruits per day.

104- A space vehicle must move at a rate of at least 17 miles per second to escape Earth’s gravitational pull.

105- The Greek climate is notable for its ample sunshine, with an average of 3,000 hours of sunshine per year.

106- A space vehicle must move at a rate of at least 15 miles per second to escape Earth’s gravitational pull.

107- Australia has more gamblers than any other country, and on average, Aussies bet more than $2,700 per year.

108- The planned expansion of the refinery will increase capacity there from 80,000 barrels per day to 240,000.

109- Students in their last year of the program are expected to undertake teaching duties of two hours per week.

110- Apparently, a car that shifts manually gets 2 miles more per gallon of gas than a car with automatic shift.

111- China has only one movie screen for every 122,000 people, compared with one per 8,600 in the United States.

112- Even making an international phone call from a mobile, if it’s Mobila then you can do it for Yen per minute.

113- You could milk about six cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery you can milk up to 100 cows per hour.

114- The U.S. death rate in car accidents is presently about 1.

115- 9 deaths per 10,000 vehicles.

116- The layer of gas that spreads out from a nova explosion can be travelling at speeds of 5 million miles per hour.

117- London cabbies estimate their average driving speed to be 10 miles per hour due to increasing traffic congestion.

118- The world’s driest inhabited region is Aswan, Egypt, which averages only .

119- 5 millimeters of rain per year.

120- The killer whale is the fastest mammal in the sea, and can reach speeds up to 30 miles per hour when chasing prey.

121- Bright stars appear bright simply because our eyes receive more energy per second from them than from faint stars.

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