penetrate in a sentence

Use ‘penetrate’ in a sentence | ‘penetrate’ example sentences

1- The walls of the bomb shelter are so thick that nothing can penetrate them.

2- The skin of a hippopotamus is so thick that most bullets cannot penetrate it.

3- It has taken this country many years to penetrate the foreign automobile market.

4- It took a long time for Japanese imports to penetrate the American consumer markets.

5- The hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick, so solid that most bullets cannot penetrate it.

6- Very few women have been able to penetrate the male-dominated hierarchy of most large corporations.

7- The men gathered their weapons and hid the women and children in caves pending an enemy attack.

8- penetrateBecause water is transparent, it allows enough sunlight to penetrate for plants to carry on photosynthesis.

9- pensionThere is a Chinese proverb which notes that opinions are like nails, the more often you hit them, the deeper they penetrate.

10- Demonstrators have been trying to penetrate the restricted area where the leaders of the richest countries are meeting to discuss economic matters.

11- The former leaves a large “attack surface” that is easier to penetrate.

12- But our rescuers couldn’t penetrate because the floodwaters were still high.

13- We went to him kind of exclusively because of his ability to drive and penetrate.

14- He said the bullet hit just above the brim of a firefighter’s helmet but didn’t penetrate it.

15- With sufficient speed, bird strikes have been known to penetrate the cockpit, the report said.

16- The rebels “aimed to penetrate our borders”, and were eventually repelled, the Saudi statement added.

17- Light cannot penetrate turbid water very deeply and that limits algal growth there.

18- Mulga roots penetrate far into the soil to find deep moisture.

19- Also, paramilitary groups developed many regional political parties in order to penetrate the State.

20- Originally of Persian origin, the Pesh-kabz was designed to penetrate chain mail and other types of armor.

21- The marauders could not penetrate the fortified cities, but they heavily damaged the unprotected countryside.

22- As glass is used for the curtain wall, it creates a great advantage where natural light can penetrate deeper within the building.

23- Sunscreen ingredients penetrate the skin Between 1% and 10% of some Clarify sunscreen ingredients are absorbed into the body through the skin.

24- The French, under François, Count d’Enghien, defeated an Imperial army at the Battle of Ceresole in 1544, but the French failed to penetrate further into Lombardy.

25- The defensive success of the citadel was a powerful psychological victory for the Nguyen, demonstrating their ability to penetrate Tay Son territory at all times of year.

26- However Oxford could not penetrate the defences and Wanderers won 2-0.

27- The gas did not penetrate deeply and the damage was repaired before the next flight.

28- Their rhizoids penetrate soil among the crevices, secrete acids and corrode the rocks.

29- These however, were never able to penetrate the international market to any significant degreeCitation needed.

30- Unreferenced The Saltshaker Penetration is a classic magic trick in which a saltshaker appears to penetrate through a table.

31- Gardiner and Gray, p. 140 At a range of 13,100 yards (12,000 m), the 11 in shells would penetrate up to 7.9 in (200 mm) of belt armor.

32- Quraishy:1987:182 Subjectively, most of the surrounding Bantu communities had a close-knit religious heritage, requiring strong force to penetrate.

33- A roof pitch of at least 50 degrees allows precipitation to travel quickly down slope so that it runs off the roof before it can penetrate the structure.

34- The large calibre of the HEAT warhead and shaped charge of 2.42 kg HE, enabled it to penetrate armour 180 mm thick, enough to defeat any World War II tank.

35- Legacy Woman with Dead Child, 1903 etching Her silent lines penetrate the marrow like a cry of pain; such a cry was never heard among the Greeks and Romans.

36- Lohouf, Tradition 174 and 175. He was under heavy shower of arrows but was able to penetrate them and get to the branch leaving heavy casualties from the enemy.

37- The panels interlocked by means of steel baffles – internal barriers meant to create fillable compartments or to deflect projectiles that penetrate the outer wall.

38- Reeves believed that if the 14-inch gun was adopted, it would not be able to penetrate this larger amount of protection, whereas the 16-inch would be able to break through.

39- People can only penetrate the mysteries by the exercise of faith.

40- He also knew his radio could not penetrate the dense jungle canopy overhead.

41- Shi’a Islam did not penetrate any land to the extent that it gradually could in Iran.

42- This also allows more of the body of the screw to penetrate the adjacent member for greater traction.

43- Some inelastically scattered electrons penetrate the bulk crystal and fulfill Bragg diffraction conditions.

44- Turnbull’s work on the defenses at Rocky Mount paid off, and Sumter’s men were unable to penetrate the defenses.

45- She is perceptive enough to penetrate Nick’s adopted persona, deeply disturbing him even though she fascinates him.

46- In Type II material, a magnetic field can penetrate, carried inside by vortices which form Abrikosov vortex lattice.

47- GUTS arrived and opened fire but couldn’t penetrate the behemoth’s energy shield, leaving those inside still trapped.

48- As media critic Howard Kurtz would later write, “the saga of Charles Keating took years to penetrate the national consciousness.

49- The dashing Bruckmann – an Alsatian with a German family name and fiercely patriotic French heart – manages to penetrate Steel City.

50- Then on 15 October 1914, she and E9 sailed from Gorleston in a successful attempt to penetrate the German defences and enter the Baltic.

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