pejorative term in a sentence

Use “pejorative term” in a sentence | “pejorative term” example sentences

1- ‘ Swot ‘is a pejorative term for someone who studies a lot.

2- Permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term.

3- Such parties consider “predatory lending” a pejorative term .

4- The pejorative term for such people is “plastic shaman.

5- Chicago is the new pejorative term for such people!

6- Under Stalin it became a pejorative term for elitist art.

7- Permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term .

8- Who says purist is a pejorative term ?

9- Also used as a slightly pejorative term for junior servicemember.

10- To the Marxist ‘welfare capitalism’ is a pejorative term .

11- Macaco is a fairly common pejorative term in Brazil.

12- As Bruce Hoffman has noted: “terrorism is a pejorative term .

13- The term “office boy” may be perceived as a pejorative term .

14- They were all condemned with the pejorative term of carpetbagger.

15- It is a pejorative term not applied by the scientists about themselves .

16- A pejorative term used to belittle or insult reservists.

17- Often referred to with the pejorative term of “McDojo”.

18- Gender-specific pejorative terms intimidate or harm another person because of their gender.

19- Sometimes used as a pejorative term for a sloppily-dressed woman.

20- To Jeff, non-productive labour is not a pejorative term .

21- Since 2009, TFI documents have discouraged using pejorative terms for former members.

22- RINO is a Tea Party pejorative term and used in that context .

23- Council-inspired housing is again becoming a progressive force , rather than a pejorative term .

24- I like your use of “anti-capitalist” as a pejorative term .

25- On one point, at least, everyone agrees: terrorism is a pejorative term .

26- In academic biblical studies, “cult” and “cultic” are not pejorative terms !

27- The history of pejorative terms teaches that time moves some words into an offensive category.

28- Goldberg further goes on to defend young black Americans’ use of the pejorative term .

29- Elitism in the normal sense is a pejorative term , associated with accusations of fascism.

30- Jón Árnason found that the terms are synonymous, except álfar is a pejorative term .

31- Moonie is a pejorative term sometimes used to refer to members of the Unification Church.

32- Many of the captions were edited for length, and extraneous information and pejorative terms were eliminated.

33- In Mexico, “huevón” is a pejorative term that usually translates as “slacker”.

34- Qadiani and Mirzai are the pejorative terms used by non-Ahmadi Muslims from the Indian subcontinent.

35- The news media have given a high visibility to computer hacking and have made it a pejorative term .

36- People of Greek persuasion are sometimes called by the pejorative term “Grecomans” by the other side.

37- Amalgamemnon takes the pejorative term ‘redundancy’ and uses it to fight the very exclusion it designates.

38- A point seemingly lost upon today’s black users of the pejorative term and those who condone such use.

39- The option of independence, generally designated by the pejorative term “separatism”, was not taken seriously.

40- According to Boas and Gans-Morse the term neoliberalism is nowadays mainly used by critics as a pejorative term .

41- Sweatshop (or sweat factory) is a pejorative term for a workplace that has socially unacceptable working conditions.

42- Atonality emerged as a pejorative term to condemn music in which chords were organized seemingly with no apparent coherence.

Related Words:
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