peasantries in a sentence

Use ‘peasantries’ in a sentence | ‘peasantries’ example sentences

1- Mintz, Sidney W. 1973 “A Note on the Definition of Peasantries “.

2- Mintz, Sidney W. 1985c “From Plantations to Peasantries in the Caribbean”.

3- In it, Mintz argued for the distinctiveness of the various peasantries which typified the Caribbean.

4- Although peasantries emerged alongside of industrialization, Mintz stressed that this did not occur as a merely economic adaptation.

5- Mintz argued that Caribbean peasantries emerged alongside of and after industrialization, probably like nowhere else in the world.

6- The most popular of these works “Slavery and the Rise of the Peasantries ” (1979) has been cited sixteen times, with eleven of these citations occurring in journals of history and only one in an anthropology journal.

7- He found great national and individual variation among both peasantries and “rural proletarians” and stressed that “for centuries independent cultivation offered to the Caribbean masses the most important and dignified alternative available to plantation wage labor or migration” (1984: 26).

8- From Plantations to Peasantries in the Caribbean was a synthesis and elaboration of peasant studies in the region by historians, sociologists and anthropologists.

9- In the bibliographic notes for his book Europe and the People Without History (1985), Wolf credits much in his discussion of plantations to an interest shared with Mintz on “the dialectic between plantations and peasantries ” originating more than thirty years before.

10- As Chapter 2 has indicated, soil erosion has occurred in many different societies and periods of history – in feudal Europe, the Soviet Union, Tsarist Russia, the United States in the 1930s, and in present-day peasantries and under widely differing physical conditions.

11- It is not one to rally the world’s peasantries , pastoralists and other land-users to change the social conditions which bring about soil erosion in the first place.

12- The second argument is that many structures of appropriation of surpluses from peasantries and pastoralists which were established during the late colonial period still exist.

13- This fieldwork was eventually published as “The People of Puerto Rico” ? Since then, Mintz has authored several books and nearly 300 scientific articles on varied themes, including slavery, labor, Caribbean peasantries , and the anthropology of food in the context of globalizing capitalism.

14- In other countries, even in Europe, in the same period, the peasantries were serfs bound to the land they cultivated, the artisans had still a servile status, and the mercantile communities were only just beginning, by dint of cringing and of bribery, to gain certain privileges.

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