Use ‘peanuts’ in a sentence | ‘peanuts’ example sentences
1- In popular culture elephants are usually seen eating peanuts .
2- I discourage soft shell nuts such as peanuts .
3- I stopped eating peanuts and any tree nuts five years ago.
4- Both my daughters are allergic to peanuts .
5- The incentive money for them is peanuts .
6- I was a big fan of peanuts .
7- New research shows peanuts rival the antioxidant content of many fruits.
8- Dry roasted salted peanuts are also marketed in significant quantities.
9- Virginia group peanuts are either bunch or running in growth habit.
10- It also launched tasty peanuts sometime back.
11- The society says only peanuts should be used.
12- Most were allergic to peanuts or eggs .
13- This awarded sum by the court is peanuts .
14- It uses peanut protein to increase tolerance to peanuts .
15- Unfortunately some people are allergic against peanuts .
16- Mali’s major cash crops are peanuts and cotton.
17- From there , boiled peanuts spread southward.
18- Packaging peanuts are very handy, and reusable.
19- The price I’m asking is peanuts .
20- The commonest food causing fatality is peanuts .
21- If desired, sprinkle the balls with finely chopped peanuts .
22- Plus a bag o’ peanuts for best team name.
23- The men talked as the sweet potatoes and peanuts roasted.
24- My daughter is allergic to peanuts and this product is wonderful!
25- He cannot eat peanuts or tree nuts.
26- He also raised some peanuts and feed grains.
27- As well, peanuts are often used in dog treats.
28- And we’re not talking peanuts here.
29- Fill your sensory table with packing peanuts or foam.
30- Anderson Silva made peanuts at one point too.
31- Therefore offering peanuts that have been roasted is the better option.
32- There in the air dry as roasted peanuts .
33- This eliminates the chance of peanuts and yields quality offspring.
34- CBS promptly ordered four additional ” Peanuts ” specials.
35- Traditionally, peanuts were pulled and inverted by hand.
36- While the numbers look mildly bad the actual difference is peanuts .
37- The most common food allergies are peanuts , milk and shellfish.
38- Yeah at least mine’s only peanuts .
39- Suppose you ate all your peanuts last night? Bulk peanuts are on sale at the health food store this week.
40- Surprisingly, peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
41- An average sized jar of peanut butter contains about 550 peanuts.
42- The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box.
43- “Peanuts,” the most popular comic strip in history, debuted in 1952.
44- Wow, these salted peanuts are addictive! Pass the bag back over here.
45- In the comic strip Peanuts, Snoopy once said, “I think I’m allergic to morning.
46- “Charles Schultz, creator of the popular newspaper comic strip Peanuts, has died.
47- Peanuts and almonds give our chocolate bars a delicious crunch, and will satisfy any appetite.
48- George Washington Carver developed shaving cream, face cream, soap, and shampoo, all made from peanuts.
49- Linus, in the comic strip Peanuts, once observed that there is no heavier burden than a great potential.
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