Use ‘peaceful’ in a sentence | ‘peaceful’ example sentences
151- Peaceful protests, new questions arise after additional Chicago shooting videos Twitter.
152- The Brotherhood says it is committed to peaceful activism and denies any tie to violence.
153- China will not change its approach of peaceful diplomacy to aggression,” Alusala told DW.
154- The pope further emphasized the need to build a more peaceful and just society in Bosnia.
155- Iran denies trying to develop nuclear weapons, insisting its atomic programme is peaceful.
156- Hiker Carlos Rojas witnessed how dangerous the usually peaceful river had suddenly become.
157- The Brotherhood denies any link to violence and says it is committed to peaceful activism.
158- News of Hannah Graham’s disappearance put normally peaceful Charlottesville on high alert.
159- I call on demonstrators to remain peaceful, and on law enforcement to exercise restraint.”
160- Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”
161- The meeting was peaceful and held to develop a framework to resolve their dispute, he said.
162- 197283Do you see any hope of forging some kind of peaceful solution in the next few years?
163- Syria needs a peace process, one that can build a credible and sustainable peaceful future.
164- I am glad that I was part of a process that was open, peaceful, strong, and legally sound.”
165- “I always told them and maintained that we have a peaceful treaty as co-existors right now.
166- “The police used brutality to disperse peaceful protesters, but this will not discourage us.
167- It also praised the election commission and security forces for ensuring a peaceful process.
168- 673814That will be Venezuela’s last chance to have a peaceful exit from its mounting chaos.
169- O’Connell has also appeared in “Private Peaceful” (2012) and “300: Rise of an Empire” (2014).
170- Even a notorious intersection near where Freddie Gray was arrested was peaceful Tuesday night.
171- When asked to describe being 100, the kids came up with adjectives like “calm” and “peaceful.”
172- The rally appeared peaceful, with some people holding up signs calling for justice for DuBose.
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