patterning in a sentence

Use ‘patterning’ in a sentence | ‘patterning’ example sentences

1- This in turn is compliant under quadruple patterning .

2- This issue will affect 22 nm patterning integration.

3- There are several types of double patterning .

4- The needle selection for patterning is electromagnetic.

5- Coat color and patterning are broadly associated with habitat type .

6- Upper portion has geometric diamond patterning in the sprang technique.

7- The reverse is linen plain weave with no patterning .

8- As stitch it lends itself to creating patterning .

9- But this instinctive patterning is not taught.

10- Not a very interesting conversation but crucial for patterning .

11- Many species have colorful patterning on the shell surface.

12- This is useful on which to hang feather patterning .

13- The patterning of stripes varies from animal to animal.

14- I think that is a very effective patterning .

15- Consciousness is not always a patterning in words.

16- These tiles usually have some coloration or patterning .

17- When in college I volunteered in the department studying brain patterning .

18- This patterning is related to Dewey’s earlier ideas on rhythm.

19- The Design Controller has three programs which extend the patterning facilities.

20- In combination, these may be used for multiple patterning .

21- The demographic contexts for these events also influence their patterning .

22- In that case, multiple patterning would be necessary.

23- Patterning is widespread and often spectacular in the Arctic.

24- Cdc42 is an important regulator of ventral patterning .

25- I wore a sweet pink dress with dark pink roses patterning it.

26- The review comments on moire and patterning are a bit absurd.

27- It can also be used for patterning !

28- FGFR1 is important for early limb bud development and distal skeletal patterning .

29- It does seem to strengthen the ritualistic patterning of history.

30- The dorsal patterning of snakes varies from stripped to blotchy.

31- The patterning of subadults is significantly darker than the adults.

32- Thus, segment polarity genes influence patterning though signaling rather than autonomously.

33- This species is one of the more conspicuous in its patterning .

34- The patterning is quiet, insinuating, and hypnotic.

35- I am studying the patterning of the inner ear in zebrafish.

36- Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning , and scalation.

37- This patterning or prioritizing of goals leads people into certain jobs.

38- The patterning of relationships between individuals in these groups needs much further study.

39- At the basis of Aran patterning comes the cable pattern.

40- Wood grain patterning is universally admired. Paul Nation suggests that second language learners’ attention should be deliberately drawn to the patterning of sounds in the second language.

41- These two have completely different patterning but no difference is seen in their internal morphology so it seems that they are considered the same.

42- The ermine patterning in the other quarter was said to stand for “purity and honour”.

43- For 2D layouts double patterning compliance errors occur when there are odd cycles of minimum spaces.

44- Self-organized vegetation patterning as a fingerprint of climate and human impact on semi-arid ecosystems.

45- Various colors, and patterning, Betrò, pg 158 may adorn the rest of the hieroglyph when the bottom is green.

46- Colour patterning can be accomplished by means of laser, such as radiation-induced sublimation transfer (RIST).

47- Done in an attempt to reduce felt recoil, improve patterning, or change the balance of the shotgun.

48- ” * Heterozygous Lp/lp and homozygous Lp/Lp horses with only a tiny amount of white patterning may not possess enough white to reveal large or small spots.

49- As a key technology it enables contact free alignment and photo-patterning of monomeric and polymeric liquid crystals by optical means instead of mechanically.

50- The underbelly is lighter than the back and a dark brown band across the belly, formed by horizontal streaks in feather patterning, is present in most color variations.

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