patterned in a sentence

Use ‘patterned’ in a sentence | ‘patterned’ example sentences

1- Plain & patterned knit shirts rounded or pointed collars.

2- Also avoid wearing brightly colored or patterned clothing.

3- Social relationships are therefore patterned and recurrent.

4- Our kitchen is signal yellow with patterned antique tiles .

5- The whole patterned in light colors on dark grounds.

6- At six months babies like gazing at patterned objects.

7- They also love patterned and alphabet books.

8- They were faced with beautifully patterned marbles in rich colours.

9- Common details also include leopard prints and patterned dental masks.

10- A dark stain spread over the grey patterned carpet.

11- It is boldly patterned in black and white.

12- The squares are filled with lots of patterned papers.

13- Cut the patterned paper into six sections.

14- These patterned shapes are a new phenomenon.

15- TEPCO pottery is very popular today, especially the patterned pieces.

16- Most temples have ordered, patterned grounds.

17- Cutout patterned shutters painted dark green add color and detail.

18- Don’t ignore teaming patterned tights or hose with pants.

19- Mount calendar on patterned paper and add to card.

20- You may try two patterned parts with one solid.

21- She picked up a cotton skirt patterned with roses.

22- Children make a patterned snake using the pattern blocks.

23- These are patterned after similar ancient pagan shrines in Europe.

24- Ivy in the upper border is simply drawn and patterned .

25- It is patterned on a generalization of perception.

26- The vent region is patterned in yellow, black and white.

27- They are finished in a patterned surface to minimise marking.

28- With patterned jars, they cast an attractive light.

29- Actions as well as thought were patterned .

30- Four women chat on a large, patterned carpet.

31- Plain or patterned paper can be used.

32- Such insects frequently are aposematically coloured and patterned .

33- A: Leopard is fast moving and distinctly patterned .

34- The luxurious cream decor is set off beautifully by the patterned curtains.

35- On the north side, light filters through cruciform patterned glass.

36- Cut a strip of patterned giftwrap 30 × 7cm.

37- These were often elaborately decorated with figurative and patterned designs.

38- Twin horn structures sheathe a thin, patterned membrane structure.

39- The Department became a model from which many others were patterned .

40- The door itself is of Norman work with concentric patterned arches. Social interactions are typically patterned and ordered depending on one’s culture.

41- Culture has been described as patterned and interrelated ideas, symbols, or behaviors.

42- Ho Chi Minh patterned the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence after that of the United States.

43- The inaugural Latin American Amateur is patterned after the Asia-Pacific Amateur.

44- We pretty well patterned it after the same agreement we made with Next Era Energy.

45- 545674Other trends, Lewis says, include strong sculptural forms and patterned façades.

46- A mother in a red-patterned headscarf washing dishes with her eyes on the Koran on the mantle.

47- Kobe Bryant patterned his basketball game after one of the all-time greats , Michael Jordan.

48- The walls are covered in patterned red velvet.

49- Twin horn structures sheathe a thin, patterned membrane structure.

50- In 2000 Selmer introduced the Reference 54 series, whose design, look, feel, and sound was patterned after the Mark VI.

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