patriotic in a sentence 2

Use ‘patriotic’ in a sentence | ‘patriotic’ example sentences

51- The patriotic speaker was Lt Col. Stanford Leaman Gabriel (US Army Ret.

52- Some have described it as a patriotic move, but not everyone is impressed.

53- The issue quickly prompted patriotic fury among social media users in China.

54- There are good patriotic politicians in all parties and we must work with them all.

55- Some funeral directors feel a patriotic duty to stick with the Big Three, analysts say.

56- “It’s our nation’s motto, and we want to be patriotic toward our country,” Nichols said.

57- 825128They are a bit different from each other, adding variety to our patriotic event.”

58- Russia’s military theme park 10 photos Performers sing a Russian patriotic song on stage.

59- He still seems fresh, as does his message blending fiscal conservatism and patriotic optimism.

60- At least 13 belong to the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), the largest dissident organization.

61- The mood of the country right now is patriotic, and competitive media speak to that public mood.

62- The event will kick off with patriotic music selections by the U.S. Marine Corps Band New Orleans.

63- 819722The violence gives rise to a patriotic insistence that the country’s values must be defended.

64- It was highly professional, heroic and patriotic action, Gruevski said, commenting on the police raid.

65- 754050The New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Paul Afoko says the energy crisis is a sign of deeper probleMs. 821689The whiff of the official Party hero pervades the story, which morphs into patriotic spectacle.

66- Music plays, flags flap, all agreeably patriotic.

67- Thus he makes the story easy to relate to, and the patriotic moral accessible to readers.

68- His works such as Tombs at Drăgăşani were particularly nationalist and patriotic in nature.

69- This houses a replica of the Liberty Bell, historical documents, and patriotic memorabilia.

70- Zinha Vaz Turpin ran as the candidate of the Guinean Patriotic Union (UPG); she was the only female candidate in the election.

71- ” An El Paso historian has added that it was a “veritable pageant of military splendor, social brilliance, courtly formality, official protocol, and patriotic fervor.

72- Sandi E. Cooper, Patriotic pacifism: waging war on war in Europe, 1815-1914, Oxford University Press, 1991, p.103 Publications * Patriotism as an incentive to warfare.

73- These include nursery, pastoral, and patriotic verses.

74- He was also called Pip (short for patriotic and preposterous).

75- Board of Governors of Association of Patriotic Women, Tehran, 1922-1932.

76- The emblem of National-Patriotic Front Pamyat with the “Russian swastika “.

77- The NCNC was a patriotic organization designed to bring together Nigerians of all stripes to demand independence.

78- Hobby fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, and is noted for the patriotic poems he wrote as a soldier.

79- Few engineers even considered emigrating to the United States because of patriotic reasons and the plethora of jobs.

80- Taylor’s support rose rapidly, as the Mano and Gio flocked to his National Patriotic Front of Liberia seeking revenge.

81- Admiring his patriotic zeal, Swami Vivekananda once wrote on a wall in Yogendra’s drawing-room: “India has to win her freedom by 1925.

82- Yoweri Museveni however finally split from the Military Commission to form his own political party, the Uganda Patriotic Movement (UPM).

83- On February 28, 1991 a carabinero policeman died in a shoot-out in Santiago with leftist guerrillas of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front.

84- Two years ago the theme that Yavneh was given was “Holidays Enlighten Our Lives”, and the theme for last year was “60 Years of Patriotic Pride”.

85- Trafalgar Centenary 1905 At the culminating Albert Hall celebrations on 21 October 1905, Alfred West showed a programme of patriotic and nautical films.

86- Merezhkovskys expressed their deep skepticism as to – both the Russian involvement in it and all the patriotic hullabaloo stirred up among the intellectuals.

87- He is known for acting in and directing films with patriotic themes, and has been given the nickname “Mr Bharat” (Bhaarat is the Sanskrit and Hindi term for India).

88- Types Patriotic tokens A Dix token, an example of a patriotic token Patriotic Civil War tokens typically displayed a patriotic slogan or image on one or both sides.

89- Chaika was a member of Sich, a patriotic youth movement in Ukraine.

90- Independence Day is a national holiday marked by patriotic displays.

91- Charles Ives quoted the song in his own patriotic song, “They Are There.

92- The name was changed in 1905 to “The Flying Horse” for patriotic reasons.

93- The chiles en nogada arise from the purest patriotic and national spirit.

94- As of February 2010, he is the National Charmain of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

95- Noor Jehan sung many patriotic songs enthusiastically, which became tremendously popular.

96- ” This four-page daily was filled with articles, short stories, patriotic songs and poems.

97- He was Admiralty Representative on the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation from 1906 to 1912.

98- The French influenced Patriotic Movement (“Patriotte beweging”) became a strong opposition to him.

99- ” Carrera also created patriotic emblems for the Patria Vieja such as the flag, shield, and insignia.

100- The phrase comes from the patriotic song Nicaragua Mía by Tino López Guerra and has been covered several times.

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