patience in a sentence

Use ‘patience’ in a sentence | ‘patience’ example sentences

1- Your patience is appreciated until such unlikely event occurs.

2- She always shows much patience and kindness.

3- Patience bears with injury without becoming bitter.

4- Search engine optimization requires patience and consistency.

5- Your patience is greatly and sincerely appreciated.

6- Study participants are increasingly losing patience with poor search experiences.

7- Your information and patience paid off again.

8- I certainly am surprised the gentlemen had such patience .

9- But patience is becoming hard to sustain.

10- This method requires both patience and precision.

11- Rice says patience is absolutely necessary for such record flights.

12- The key success strategy here is about preparation & patience .

13- Users and industry watchers are losing patience .

14- These games encourage patience and listening skills .

15- This recipe is simple and requires patience .

16- Loving a discouraged person requires much patience .

17- Patience is required when building muscular strength.

18- What is between immediate gratification and delayed gratification is patience .

19- Your patience and cooperation is much appreciated.

20- America’s trade negotiators are losing patience .

21- I wish I had shown more patience .

22- I was beginning to loose my patience .

23- His local knowledge was invaluable and his patience much appreciated!

24- It is always better to have patience .

25- With age also comes patience and insight.

26- But above all you must learn patience .

27- I was very thankful for my parishioners patience .

28- My patience is at a low point.

29- I was patience in saving the marital life.

30- Yet patience would have paid still better.

31- She had neither the patience nor the inclination.

32- Such connections require both time and great patience .

33- Americans have less patience for bad times.

34- One thing you will need is patience .

35- I usually anxiously waited for sales with patience .

36- He has the patience needed to satisfy.

37- Where else is love and justice and patience preached?

38- Patience is not always something we seek.

39- Recovery from a cornea transplant takes patience .

40- I lost patience and became the wicked witch. I have no patience.

41- My patience gave out.

42- My patience is worn out.

43- His patience is worn out.

44- It’s patience that counts.

45- Patience wins out in the end.

46- His patience reached its limit.

47- I am at the end of my patience.

48- She waited for him with patience.

49- He was patience itself.

50- aandrusiakChildren sometimes lack patience.

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