pathways in a sentence 2

Use ‘pathways’ in a sentence | ‘pathways’ example sentences

51- But you do find some common pathways, so there may be common patterns, Magalhaes told Live Science.

52- 828895They enter into the same biochemical pathways, but then travel down different branch points.

53- Darga proved extremely adept at navigating safe pathways through contaminated land.

54- Weld designed the grounds, pathways, and an extensive rock garden.

55- VisiPaths is a web-app that allows for visualizing of signaling pathways.

56- Dining areas commonly extend onto five foot pathways and busy intersections.

57- “Old-Age Pension Reform and Modernization Pathways: Lessons for China from Latin America.

58- Hodology is the study of pathways. The word derives from the Greek hodos, meaning “path”.

59- Valancia also has an extensive system of paved pathways with grade separations over and under the boulevards.

60- Hence, unfused myeloma cells die, as they cannot produce nucleotides by the de novo or salvage pathways because they lack HGPRT.

61- Dopamine Pathways in the brain highlighted in Blue Dopamine is one of the more known neuromodulators involved in procedural memory.

62- Glycolysis also refers to other pathways, such as the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and various heterofermentative and homofermentative pathways.

63- Armakuni’s confidence was short lived as he discovered the pathways were not as he remembered them; what unforeseen hazards lay in wait for him?

64- Curriculum The new Dandenong High School offers students a broader and larger variety of subjects that will enhance career pathways and further study.

65- PMDD has been found by PET scans to be associated with dysregulation of serotonin pathways in the brain Jovanovic H, Cerin A, Karlsson P, Lundberg J, Halldin C, Nordström AL.

66- Leduc has more than km ( ) of multiuse pathways.

67- Each Decision-Tree defines two or more Pathways.

68- “P bodies: at the crossroads of post-transcriptional pathways”.

69- Physical lesions or drugs may cause anisocoria by disrupting these pathways.

70- The supposed mechanism is an enhancement of the neural pathways of expectation.

71- The eicosanoid pathways (via lipoxygenase or COX ) add molecular oxygen (O 2 ).

72- There are also covered pathways and cemented pathways leading to different school buildings.

73- Planar pathways are special landscape features appearing in multiple planes or layers of a plane.

74- Sonic hedgehog and Wnt These developmental pathways are also strongly implicated as stem cell regulators.

75- These cells receive both sensory input from the body as well as input from feedback pathways in the brain.

76- LECOM recognizes student-centered learning styles by offering three curriculum pathways for its medical students.

77- Thus DWV seems to interfere with molecular mechanism of learning that may include immune system and signalling pathways.

78- “Fucoidan induces apoptosis of human HS-sultan cells accompanied by activation of caspase-3 and down-regulation of ERK pathways”.

79- The goal Proteolytic pathways, or proteolysis, are the series of events controlled by proteases that occur in response to specific stimuli.

80- “Comprehensive copy number variant (CNV) analysis of neuronal pathways genes in psychiatric disorders identifies rare variants within patients”.

81- Samuel, G. and Reeves, P. “Biosynthesis of O-antigens: genes and pathways involved in nucleotide sugar precusor synthesis and O-antigen assembly.

82- Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ku70 potentiates illegitimate DNA double-strand break repair and serves as a barrier to error-prone DNA repair pathways.

83- Epub 2008 Nov 14 Dopamine pathways are dispersed all over the brain and this allows for parallel processing in many structures all at the same time.

84- “ST7 is a novel low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) with a cytoplasmic tail that interacts with proteins related to signal transduction pathways”.

85- The plenum is the space that can facilitate air circulation for heating and air conditioning systems, by providing pathways for either heated/conditioned or return airflows.

86- Eicosanoids, including prostaglandins and leukotrienes, are lipid-based cellular hormones that regulate hemodynamics, inflammatory responses, and other intracellular pathways.

87- Because shells are imbued with value through the process of circulation, the forging of object pathways is necessary for Gawa men to control circulation and, in turn, shell value.

88- BSR is hypothesized to be so effective in establishing compulsive habits because it bypasses the synaptic barriers in the sensory pathways to directly activate the reward pathway.

89- The zones were interconnected with moving pathways.

90- These signals are sent down the following projection pathways.

91- He provided evidence for the laminar arrangement of spinal pathways.

92- Joggers and cyclists use the miles of paved pathways circulating through park.

93- “Poliovirus spreads from muscle to the central nervous system by neural pathways”.

94- ” *Epsilon Eridani Voy: “Pathways” *Epsilon Indi II – The birth place of Walter Pierce.

95- This mechanism, as well as others, allows for cross-regulation of the cAMP and cGMP pathways.

96- “Coding sweet, bitter, and umami tastes: different receptor cells sharing signaling pathways”.

97- “Exploring sustainability transitions in the electricity sector with socio-technical pathways”.

98- 5. Hille B. Local anesthetics: hydrophilic and hydrophobic pathways for the drug-receptor reaction.

99- Gene expression changes and molecular pathways mediating activity-dependent plasticity in visual cortex.

100- In real world evolution, there are many possible evolutionary pathways and there is no endpoint except extinction.

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