patent in a sentence 2

Use ‘patent’ in a sentence | ‘patent’ example sentences

50- In 1988, geneticists at Harvard University were granted the first U.S. patent for an animal – a genetically-engineered mouse that is highly susceptible to breast cancer.

51- Airbus said the patent doesn’t mean it’ll be saddling up its aircraft.

52- Now, the university is helping the two apply for a provisional patent.

53- Following the challenges in India, Egypt rejected the sofosbuvir patent.

54- Charities in Europe have also challenged Gilead’s patent over its prices.

55- Qualcomm notes the risks to its patent portfolio in its regulatory filings.

56- That deal would give giant corporations even more patent protection overseas.

57- 642517So when they get new products, maybe we help them maybe patent something.

58- You have a 12 month window when you file a patent; don’t let this time frame slip.

59- Apple has been granted a patent for a Macintosh computer with a removable monitor.

60- Box’s Enterprise Key Management solution is also currently in patent-pending mode.

61- Patent Yogi first reported on the patent, published last week and filed for in June.

62- The three-year old patent was spotted recently by the legal technology firm SmartUp.

63- The device, which has a patent pending on it, would create virtual walls of fresh air.

64- Now an independent consultant, Lam is an inventor on 36 patents and patent applications.

65- Patent law has three major requirements: inventions must be new, useful and non-obvious.

66- But this innovation was still was not enough to deserve a patent, the appeals court said.

67- With the Apple trial over, next on Smartflash’s patent-infringement lawsuit list is Samsung.

68- In late 2014, the two firms agreed to drop all the patent cases being fought outside the US.

69- He creates a patent for a submarine, but he can’t remember where he put the loot, Marbley said.

70- Professor Normam Wagner of the University of Delaware helped created and patent “Liquid Armor.”

71- The foundation sued Intel Corp. over the same patent in 2008 and settled for an undisclosed amount.

72- Just a patent insult to any right thinking individual that reads more than 5 chapters of The Quran.

73- Wednesday’s agreement is not the first among smartphone heavyweights to settle their patent disputes.

74- In an era when you can invent faster than you can patent, why not keep ahead by inventing?

75- The Norwegian patent was granted in June 1929.

76- Charles Palmer received the first patent (1891) for the diner.

77- Shay applied for and was issued a patent for the basic idea in 1881.

78- Dicks Patent Fever Cure; Chicago Doctors Act for Public, Not Profit, Statement Says.

79- For a few hryvnias each taster can get a patent and thus become a member of the jury.

80- “Producing Cold for Preserving Animal Food”, British Patent 709, granted 26 February 1873.

81- Ch. 104) and to the Letters Patent issued by Her Majesty for constituting the High Courts.

82- Shipek, 612 Today Today, the two tribes have a joint-trust patent of the remaining reservation.

83- Hess received a patent (US No. 29.077) for his invention of the vacuum cleaner on July 10, 1860.

84- In 1894, Herring built a Type 11-monoplane glider based on Otto Lilienthal ‘s 1893 German patent.

85- He designed, and applied for a patent for a ship’s log ; very similar to the logs employed to this day.

86- On Queen Mary ‘s accession Traheron resigned his patent as keeper of the royal library and went abroad.

87- In 2007 Weiss formed Market Shield Capital to commercialize his Common Index Securities patent portfolio.

88- Professional representatives Professional representatives bear the title of European patent attorney (EPA).

89- In 1926 Jacques Risler received a French patent for the application of fluorescent coatings to neon light tubes.

90- On November 24, 1981 Dr. Drolet and Mr. Charland received patent approval for their electro-magnetic therapeutic system.

91- One is a “plant patent” that protects Plant breeders’ rights when new plants are bred as opposed to be genetically created.

92- The use of reexamination, or the threat of its use, in licensing negotiations or in patent infringement litigation is common.

93- Kingsbury’s patent was eventually granted in 1911 after he demonstrated that he had been working on the concept for many years.

94- She holds a patent on fibrous protein fusions and use thereof in the formation of advanced organic/inorganic composite materials.

95- Abbey and her father Jonathan Fleck founded the A. de F. Ltd. company, filed for a patent and started to sell the Makin’ Bacon dish.

96- In 1927, Mr. McCorquodale invented and was granted the patent on the first thermostatically controlled instantaneous gas water heater.

97- All Simplified Music Notation symbols are protected for use in music by patent; however, this table is released into the public domain.

98- ” He licensed his patent to very few individuals, who for a short number of years sold a limited number of scrubbers to aquarium hobbyists.

99- On November 6, 2006, NTP announced that it had filed a patent infringement law suit against Palm, Inc. in response to the breakdown in licensing talks.

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