parting in a sentence

Use ‘parting’ in a sentence | ‘parting’ example sentences

1- The inevitable parting question – any regrets ?

2- The parting between the friends was sad.

3- They dropped another load as a parting gift!

4- Take a clean centre parting and comb flat.

5- They drank together before parting with each other.

6- The lowest scorer was eliminated and left with parting gifts.

7- Losing contestants also received some unspecified parting gifts.

8- Where they meet is called the parting line.

9- It was kind of a “skies parting ” moment.

10- I feel truly sad at his parting .

11- The parting which expands our hearts almost beyond enduring .

12- Both sides might be better off by parting ways .

13- The gem is always in the parting shot.

14- Her parting gesture, almost a battle cry.

15- The parting from Maud was very hard.

16- Of course, parting blows were still in order.

17- Her parting words are, “I am ready.

18- But Discover & I are nonetheless parting ways.

19- Not a permanent parting but long absence at least.

20- The parting was less traumatic than some, however.

21- I had a parting question for him.

22- Take your comb and add your deep side parting .

23- She was right: this was better than parting .

24- Elena’s parting words are ringing in my ears.

25- He particularly disliked parting with information about the house.

26- Create a diagonal parting just above the recession area.

27- Her jaw dropped, her lips parting in disbelief.

28- The hair is composed of parallel strands from a central parting .

29- The tensions led to a parting in 1786.

30- The other two players left with parting gifts.

31- And as a final, parting thought.

32- And our parting should not cause you pain.

33- Great car – I still regret parting with it.

34- One of the angels parting the curtain.

35- We shed tears together and embraced at parting , poor soul!

36- Alas for ever for our long parting !

37- A lovely cinematic shows the water parting to reveal the temple.

38- Susan stood up, the ropes parting .

39- Her parting exchange with Rain had been less than friendly.

40- Ramsay’s parting with Seton was reluctant. After parting from me, he approached the station.

41- I have no intention of lending this watch to anyone, much less parting with it.

42- I never knew if it was because he was parting with me or his favorite ‘Bird.’

43- Kelley wrote a story condemning Tenney for parting with the Boston National League club’s tradition.

44- The winning player goes on to the bonus round, and the other player goes home with parting gifts.

45- Akbar was loath to see such saintly persons go but they were adamant and so he granted them a piece of land in Alipur area as a parting honour.

46- A poem of hers was included in the Kokin Wakashū : :If I were only sure :I could live as long as I wanted to, :I would not have to weep :at parting from you.

47- The high Index rating broke the previous record of 89 shared by ” The parting of the Ways “, “Doomsday”, ” Silence in the Library “, and ” Forest of the Dead “.

48- Tsunami Bomb split up the following year, the members parting on good terms with each other.

49- Following a simple communication test, he is selected to become a guide dog ; hence his first parting.

50- “I loved and believed in Uriah Heep but it kicked the shit out of me in the end,” were his parting words.

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