particulate in a sentence

Use ‘particulate’ in a sentence | ‘particulate’ example sentences

1- If particulate matter is still present repeat step 5.

2- These monitors sample for various sizes of particulate matter.

3- Beta and alpha radiation are examples of particulate radiation.

4- She is especially concerned about the particulate sources near schools.

5- Construction or maintenance efforts are another common cause of particulate pollution.

6- Ozone and particulate matter are of greatest concern.

7- Diesel particulate matter is highest near the source of emission.

8- The main particulate fraction of diesel exhaust consists of fine particles.

9- There are currently two particulate copper systems in production.

10- Findings were statistically significant in relation to fine particulate air pollution.

11- Coal ‘s real problem is particulate emissions from burning.

12- Both gas cars and diesel engines both emit fine particulates .

13- This does not mean the genes concerned are not particulate .

14- Indoor particulate matter correlates with physical activity in the classrooms.

15- The main air pollution problem in Egypt is the particulate matter.

16- Very dirty, high particulate streams need to be filtered.

17- The first is an immediate reduction in particulate emissions.

18- All diesel versions now have the diesel particulate filter standard.

19- The particulate filters can become clogged and shut down the engine .

20- A particulate matter standard will need to be 70 percent tighter .

21- The film almost looks oily with fine particulate matter in it.

22- Air cleaners remove particulate matter, but won’t impact gases.

23- Primary processing systems remove moisture and particulates .

24- The drift contains Respirable suspended particulate matter.

25- This particulate matter is constantly generated and settling onto the sea bed.

26- These fuels release large amounts of carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter.

27- All four sample sets indicated varying degrees of particulate matter and gas.

28- Diesel particulate matter burns when temperatures above 600 degrees Celsius are attained.

29- particulate matter includes microscopic particles and tiny droplets of liquid.

30- particulate matter emissions are highly regulated in most industrialized countries.

31- Monolithic columns are more physically stable than their particulate counterparts.

32- Welders are often exposed to dangerous gases and particulate matter.

33- Baghouses are used as the final particulate control device.

34- See the article on Airborne particulate radioactivity monitoring for more information.

35- Unlike many cities we have met EU rules on particulate matter.

36- The hotter the burn , the less particulate matter you create.

37- These beds have the added advantage of serving as particulate filters.

38- This can be used to remove both particulate and gaseous hazards.

39- Carbon monoxide and particulates are beneficial to life ?

40- The atmosphere is inundated with these particulates . Allergy sufferers should make sure their vacuum uses a high efficient particulate air (HEPA) filter.

41- CBC meteorologist Jay Scotland said most of the particulate matter, however, is high above the city.

42- They adsorb to the particulate matter suspended in the sea water.

43- Artificial surfactant has been found to greatly reduce this particulate agglomeration .

44- The camera can capture stop-motion images of how the blade cuts through the particulate streams and how vortices are generated along the trailing edges of the moving blade.

45- The Swarm is a large, amorphous, black mass of particulate sized, corrosive organisms that travel from planet to planet, seeking out cybernetic life forms.

46- In 50 homes, Gaia monitored IAP, recording levels of CO and particulate matter.

47- Wildfire emissions contain fine particulate matter which can cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems.

48- These darker colors are caused by incomplete combustion (more particulate matter in the gases darkens them).

49- The preferred size of the CPOM is about one millimeter, therefore shredders must break it up into a finer particulate.

50- See also * ISO 14644 – standard for Airborne particulate Cleanliness Classes in Cleanrooms and Clean Zones References External links *http://www.

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