particulars in a sentence

Use ‘particulars’ in a sentence | ‘particulars’ example sentences

1- No public statistics are known concerning these particulars .

2- An example of written particulars is given below.

3- Dad gave particulars of his own complaint.

4- Low priced a shrewd approach to normally present possibility particulars .

5- It differs from sanctification in several particulars .

6- Write for a circular giving full particulars .

7- The further particulars given must incorporate the request or order.

8- Order 6 deals with particulars of claim.

9- Visit the map society website for particulars .

10- The sales particulars detailed above may relate to this transfer.

11- It is facts rather than particulars which are sensed.

12- The particulars get too particular for those.

13- The particulars of exterior technique may vary between teachers and forms.

14- Potential applicants are encouraged to apply for further particulars .

15- They get confused between probabilities and particulars .

16- Your blog particulars can increase your treasure.

17- They must attend to the smallest particulars of detail.

18- I will write on Monday full particulars .

19- Full particulars sent on receipt of stamp for return postage.

20- The girl in the claims department took her particulars .

21- Click here to fill in your particulars .

22- It left the world unchanged save in a few interesting particulars .

23- He was right in all his particulars .

24- Send for Circular containing full list and particulars .

25- There then follow particulars of the payments.

26- How does one explain the possibility of numerically diverse particulars ?

27- The particulars offered are cultivated from the little that exists.

28- They asked for particulars ; pink tie made some notes.

29- This shall be attempted in the following particulars .

30- Here are some particulars of the cables.

31- For further particulars apply to Mr. Geo.

32- Sample 30 cents, or full particulars , free.

33- Whatever those particulars may be , removing Java is fairly easy.

34- Further particulars about schooling during the 18th century are apparently unknown.

35- But I have access enough to measure the particulars .

36- Secondly, we ensure that motorists obtain the necessary particulars .

37- On delivery, the particulars form part of the record.

38- The book’s opening half covers the particulars of the case.

39- She picked up a sheet of estate agent’s particulars .

40- I shall learn all these particulars in time. The teachings of the high Spirit are abstemious , and, in regard to particulars, negative.

41- For particulars, apply to the college.

42- Care over the particulars only has meaning once it gets across to customers.

43- 911653We may not remember the plot’s particulars, but we will remember him.

44- All the particulars and all that stuff, I really haven’t given any thought to it.”

45- The particulars of his motions are unknown because John Doe proceedings are secret.

46- ‘Honest mediator’ Those hopes are linked to the particulars of Serbia’s current situation.

47- Whatever the particulars, the accident’s trauma is eventually clear enough: Claire lost her son in it.

48- Of his early education but few particulars can be found.

49- Case file for each mystery are provided in the manual and give the particulars of the case, including key clues and suspects.

50- Bausani points out that the Qur’an itself was influenced in some particulars by Iran; he discusses unexpected similarities between Islam and Zoroastrianism.

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