particle in a sentence 2

Use ‘particle’ in a sentence | ‘particle’ example sentences

51- According to quantum theory, a particle can exist in two different states at the same time.

52- Areas of central Taiwan could also experience a particle pollution level of 7, the EPA said.

53- The professor for particle physics is working on one of the four huge detectors, called LHCb.

54- Its life begins as a water droplet that has frozen around a dust particle floating in the sky.

55- 1940s: New mills in the Northwest produce kraft paper, plywood, particle board, containerboard.

56- After the discovery of the Higgs-particle, the researchers are now hoping to solve other mysteries.

57- The particle pair’s energy adds up to zero.

58- It is physically adsorbed within the layer of moisture on the particle surfaces.

59- particle aggregation is normally an irreversible process.

60- Screening of negatively charged particle in a pool of positive ions.

61- This is an emergent particle coming from the vibrations of a superstring.

62- “Feeding currents and particle capture mechanisms in suspension feeding animals”.

63- In redox reactions, the transferred particle is an electron, whereas in acid-base reactions it is a proton.

64- The MSD for the tagged particle is obtained directly from Eq. ( 11 ): Heterogeneous files The solution of Eqs.

65- They did so in a roughly straight line, with the particle remaining initially stationary with respect to the substratum.

66- However, Warner : p.8 rejects ought and used as auxiliaries because the subsequent infinitive form includes the particle to.

67- The leg attachments of Orbital Interceptor are particle Beam Emitters that function like tractor beams, as well as fire energy blasts.

68- Oops-Leon is the name given by particle physicists to what was thought to be a new subatomic particle “discovered” at Fermilab in 1976.

69- A freak lightning bolt strikes a particle accelerator linked to the machine, and the resulting catastrophe sends Cole to a “parallel world”.

70- “The p44S10 locus, encoding a subunit of the proteasome regulatory particle, is amplified during progression of cutaneous malignant melanoma”.

71- Resonance (particle physics) : In quantum mechanics and quantum field theory resonances may appear in similar circumstances to classical physics.

72- He simulated the interaction between the electron and the polarization modes by a harmonic interaction between a hypothetical particle and the electron.

73- Mechanical screening, often just called screening, is the practice of taking granulated ore material and separating it into multiple grades by particle size.

74- So a particle from the pollen may be likened to the balloon, and the water molecules to the fans, except that in this case the balloon is surrounded by fans.

75- The CLEO III upgrade replaced the drift chamber and silicon detector and added a ring-imaging Cherenkov ( RICH ) detector for enhanced particle identification.

76- The basic dynamical cycle in such a file consists of the following steps: a particle with the fastest jumping time in the file, say, for particle i, attempts a jump.

77- Ko is, among other things, a particle which identifies proper names, and in the one case a preceding ko occurs it is attached to the preceding glyph rather than to “Taea”.

78- This approach can be taken to the limit wherein each cell holds at most one single particle, therefore reducing the number of spurious pairwise distance evaluations to zero.

79- Wheeler’s paper on geons also introduced the idea that lines of electric charge trapped in a wormhole throat might be used to model the properties of a charged particle-pair.

80- Excalibur features energy and particle beam weapons.

81- They are also available in fine medium and coarse particle sizes.

82- Here r is the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation.

83- Boson may refer to: * A boson – a particle that has integer spin.

84- Phosphorus-32 decays into sulfur-32 by emission of a beta particle.

85- His research work was in solid state and elementary particle physics.

86- The fuel is a uranium oxide coated particle fuel with 19.9% enrichment.

87- These expansion functions depend on the coordinates of a single particle.

88- These helped establish his reputation as among the top particle physicists.

89- Mashelkar’s studies on lifetime of a dissolving polymeric particle are pioneering.

90- For a spin 1/2 particle, there are only two possible eigenstates of spin: spin up, and spin down.

91- ” No particle (in the Bohm sense of having a defined position and velocity) exists, according to that theory.

92- For surface gravity waves, the water particle velocities are much smaller than the phase velocity, in most cases.

93- If we consider now the same accelerated charged particle in its non-inertial rest frame, it emits radiation at rest.

94- This research culminated in the de Broglie hypothesis stating that any moving particle or object had an associated wave.

95- In 1991, he derived, with Bedeaux, the Langevin equation for a Brownian particle using only causality and time reversal invariance.

96- This immature viral particle buds into the endoplasmic reticulum and eventually travels via the secretory pathway to the Golgi apparatus.

97- Gluinos are expected by supersymmetry theorists to be pair produced in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider if they exist.

98- The sources must operate at precise power, frequency and phase appropriate to the particle type to be accelerated to obtain maximum device power.

99- “Pyruvate-formate-lyase-deactivase and acetyl-CoA reductase activities of Escherichia coli reside on a polymeric protein particle encoded by adhE”.

100- On December 19, 2000 (the church’s patronal feast – St. Nicholas day ) the particle of the divine relics of St. Nicholas was granted to the church.

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