participates in a sentence

Use ‘participates’ in a sentence | ‘participates’ example sentences

1- The child participates in sports without difficulty.

2- Switzerland participates in projects with voluntary financial contributions.

3- Not every airline participates in this service.

4- The club also actively participates in campus decoration.

5- Our own staff frequently participates in international conferences and forums.

6- She regularly participates in several academic forums and debates.

7- The theatre department participates in several activities each year.

8- Singapore also participates actively in international counterterrorism efforts.

9- Staff participates in daily and weekly services.

10- Thailand participates fully in international and regional organizations.

11- He also participates in celebrity golf tournaments.

12- Latvia participates in international peacekeeping and security operations.

13- The club also participates in many community service photography projects .

14- A tenant participates in a tenant organization.

15- Green! participates in several municipal governments.

16- Everyone actively participates in creating rich, engaging fiction.

17- This service includes several responsive readings in which the congregation participates .

18- He also participates in further developing the questionnaire.

19- It also participates in the routing algorithm.

20- Each team participates in the four standard, round events.

21- Nicole participates on the volleyball team and is athletic.

22- He also participates in setting fiscal and budgetary policies.

23- Everyone participates and shares in the discussion process.

24- He continues to perform live, still participates in various festivals.

25- Iceland also participates in EU civilian peacekeeping missions.

26- The Choir participates in overseas competitions and tours.

27- KDE also participates other conferences that around free software.

28- The natural learner participates with parents and others in learning together.

29- Everybody participates , everybody dances on the street.

30- He frequently participates in lighting workshops, seminars and screenings.

31- Classic Private University participates in international projects.

32- Langley High School actively participates in science fair events.

33- PPLC participates in numerous literacy advocacy programs.

34- Family devotions are more meaningful when the whole family actively participates .

35- Elfman sometimes participates doing characters in these live performances.

36- It also participates in NSA studies as required.

37- Spokane Transit participates in regional transportation and land use planning activities.

38- About 14% of the population participates in Greek life.

39- The country participates in an active economic boycott of Israel. She participates in many school activities.

40- Everyone who participates in the run will receive a free T-shirt.

41- R.

42- W.

43- Apple once observed that the sense of national catastrophe is inevitably heightened in a television age, when the whole country participates in it.

44- 96776B72: A local male who participates in arm-wrestling competitions.

45- Je Bush participates in a presidential forum at the Ronald Reagan Library.

46- He is also active with his many businesses, and still participates in many advertising campaigns.

47- Red Ribbon Week in Gruver Every year, during Homecoming Week, GISD participates in “Red Ribbon Week”.

48- KDE also participates other conferences that around free software.

49- 1994-1996 The Dudelange Dragons Senior Team participates in the BFL.

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