Use ‘parliamentary’ in a sentence | ‘parliamentary’ example sentences
151- He headed a cabinet supported by the Bloc des gauches (Left-Wings Coalition) parliamentary majority.
152- J. Cannon, parliamentary Reform 1640-1832 This clause was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act 1871.
153- Biography His parliamentary career began in 1893, when he was elected deputy of the fifth ward in Paris.
154- Less parliamentary time is given to such bills and as a result only a minority of PMB’s actually become law.
155- Suffered a severe defeat at 2001 legislative elections, after which it failed to win any parliamentary seats.
156- Albania proclaimed itself a “democratic, parliamentary, and hereditary kingdom” headed by “His Majesty Zog I”.
157- Since 2003 Joyce served as a parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to a number of British Government ministers.
158- Banbury and Woodstock ceased to be parliamentary boroughs but the same names were used for two county divisions.
159- Grose served as parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Veterans Affairs from January 13 to December 11, 2003.
160- Women’s parliamentary Radio is a website which broadcasts audio and video interviews with women MPs of all parties.
161- The cooalition was ended in March 2008, and 3 democratic members of parliament formed their own parliamentary group.
162- Mrs. Cadwallader is a pragmatic woman who disapproves of Dorothea’s marriage and Mr. Brooke’s parliamentary endeavours.
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