paratroopers in a sentence 2

Use ‘paratroopers’ in a sentence | ‘paratroopers’ example sentences

50- Warren reported that official histories showed 9 paratroopers had refused to jump and at least 35 other uninjured paratroopers were returned to England aboard C-47s.

51- Ambrose, D-Day Added to this, more British paratroopers landed in the rear area of the Regiment, forcing Luck’s II Battalion to fall back to avoid getting surrounded.

52- Varble, Derek The Suez Crisis 1956, Osprey: London, 2003 page 48. To outflank Sharm el-Sheikh, Dayan ordered paratroopers to take the town of Tor in the western Sinai.

53- Rabinovich (2005), pp. 471-472 Trap The paratroopers started going down the avenue and came under fire.

54- In 14 hours of almost uninterrupted combat the paratroopers suffered heavy casualties with some 40-70 killed and 100 wounded.

55- On Sunday January 30, 1972, 13 unarmed civilians were shot dead by British paratroopers during a civil rights march in the Bogside area.

56- SADF photographs by Mike McWilliams included pictures of bodies without weapons, and pictures of dead SADF paratroopers.

57- His impassioned plea was successful because at the meeting’s conclusion, there was a unanimous decision to help the paratroopers.

58- They now intended to relocate to the west coast, but the Germans had dropped paratroopers higher in the Gudbrandsdalen, at Dombås, cutting off the rail route.

59- However, having been forced off the high ground, the North Koreans were now caught between the advancing Australians and the American paratroopers to the north.

60- A final barrage of fire from the paratroopers stalled the closing Cuban amour just sufficiently long enough to complete the extraction of the assembled paratroops.

61- By 03:30 this number had increased to just over 140 paratroopers, but there were still no other signs of the sappers who would be required to demolish the bridges.

62- Horner 1992, p. 263 Later MacArthur received the Air Medal for having “personally led the American paratroopers” and “skillfully directed this historic operation”.

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