parasites in a sentence 2

Use ‘parasites’ in a sentence | ‘parasites’ example sentences

51- Icacina senegalensis extracts have shown activity against malaria parasites.

52- They are disowned by Chinese society, whilst they are but parasites on foreign society.

53- They are called HSPs (Human Scale parasites) on the Blu-ray Special Investigation Mode.

54- “Response of infective stage parasites (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) to volatile cues from infected hosts”.

55- The blue worms, known as ‘Chronomites’, are somewhat harmless parasites, although they can make you ‘very itchy’.

56- Folklore Because foxtails “burrow” through fur, soft tissues, and organs, some people think of them as parasites.

57- These individuals were a few centimetres in size and almost all of them had what appeared to be parasites attached to them.

58- Their role in farming scale and interfering with natural parasites and predators may be central to maintaining an outbreak.

59- Spinifex This essence is said to have a cleansing action that can help with candida, parasites, micro-organisms and waste products.

60- Pheromone mimicry by “Apis mellifera capensis” social parasites leads to reproductive anarchy in host “Apis mellifera scutellata” colonies.

61- The four species of malaria parasites infective to humans are Plasmodium falciparum,Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium vivax & Plasmodium ovale.

62- Human parasites are divided into endoparasites, which cause infection inside the body, and ectoparasites, which cause infection superficially within the skin.

63- Worms are the most common internal parasites.

64- Many break down decaying matter; others are parasites.

65- The “kidneys” of cephalopods: a unique habitat for parasites.

66- Blood-borne genera Within the Apicomplexa there are three suborders of parasites.

67- Bird infecting species The remaining groupings are based on the morphology of the parasites.

68- Mimes, fools, parasites, lute-girls are bearable and not inappropriate amusement for a drinking party.

69- Also, a group of parasites known as ” liver flukes ” can live in the common bile duct, causing obstructive jaundice.

70- “Syngamiasis in juvenile American Robins (Turdus migratorius), with a note on the prevalence of other fecal parasites“.

71- Social parasites The term social parasitism is given to the relation of the guests in the nests of various social insects.

72- She, Kishin and the bullies hold off the parasites while Kishin leaves to deal with the monster.

73- They are brood-parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of tree-hole breeders, possibly barbets.

74- Pinworms are an exception to the tenet that intestinal parasites are uncommon in affluent communities.

75- The vaccine not only allows her to survive the parasites, but to absorb them to power up her energy and weapons.

76- Jacobs are typically hardy, low-maintenance animals with a naturally high resistance to parasites and hoof problems.

77- Kahraman 2008, p. 552 Predators and parasites Bony fish, Marlins, sea birds, sharks, and rays prey on the little tunny.

78- 3.5 Carp Cyprinus carpio Common carp kept in aquaculture are faced with various pathogens including bacteria, parasites and lethal viruses.

79- Their impact is often severe because there are no natural enemies, such as predators, parasites, or diseases, to control their population growth.

80- Proposals for gambusia population control have included introducing viral, bacterial, or fungal diseases and parasites into an overpopulated area.

81- Also, as she was infected with the Annihilation Wave parasites, she is forced to reveal Annihilus ‘ plan to destroy all life in the universe which he would rule.

82- Fox 1984, p. 97 Diseases and parasites Dholes are vulnerable to a number of different diseases, particularly in areas where they are sympatric with other canid species.

83- Bellum had begun to “look at people like emotional parasites, worming their way into the hearts of their victims in order to have some sort of influence on their actions.

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