parasite in a sentence

Use ‘parasite’ in a sentence | ‘parasite’ example sentences

1- Immediate concerns are parasites and contagious diseases.

2- Maybe the internal parasite is shining through.

3- Grey whales are covered with skin parasites !

4- The eight aliens included the seven parasites .

5- Raw meats may also contain harmful parasites .

6- External parasites include chewing lice and feather mites.

7- Drug resistant parasites are often used to explain malaria treatment failure.

8- The complaining deprived are liars and parasites .

9- Different biochemical pathways are activated by different parasites .

10- Internal parasites are few and largely harmless.

11- I have tried various parasite cures without success.

12- I think ambulance chasing lawyers are parasites .

13- The malaria parasite is a busy little beast.

14- Some fungi are parasites . true 22.

15- In addition, everyone received medicine against parasites .

16- All private parasites must have a vital health network.

17- You may kill more than the parasites .

18- I already had existing sores from a parasite .

19- Leaving the intermediate states of parasites behind?

20- This automatically removes 50% of the free swimming parasites .

21- Introducing pathogens or parasites to wild populations.

22- Internal parasites can cause weight loss and prevent weight gain.

23- Another case of parasites finally killing the host.

24- These include routine treatment for external and internal parasites .

25- It is described as a magical parasite .

26- Worms are the most common internal parasites .

27- Many deaths are due to predators or parasites .

28- No information reports parasites specific to this species.

29- Some species use cleaner fish to remove external parasites .

30- Those that live inside the digestive tract are called intestinal parasites .

31- The jack jumper ant is the host to parasites .

32- Cells seldom host more than one parasite .

33- The parasites escaped from their prison dimension.

34- His body was eventually possessed by the parasite .

35- A large proportion of parasite species are threatened by extinction.

36- Many soldiers suffered from parasites and related infections.

37- There are also numerous parasites and disease vectors.

38- Cod and related species are plagued by parasites .

39- White blood cells help to resist infections and parasites . The villagers’ blindness was caused by a parasite living in the river near their homes.

40- Mice act as an intermediate host for the parasite, which actually reproduces in the stomach of a cat.

41- The malaria parasite is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes.

42- Trichomoniasis is an STI caused by a small parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.

43- Cupric ion is really only useful for external Protozoans of various types (and a dangerous Algicide )> (I very much want to purchase a microscope now as I would love to be able to detect any invasive parasite definitively).Ahh!

44- Amebic dysentery is caused by the Entamœba histolytica , a monocellular intestinal parasite (protozoon), and is transmitted like most causative agents of diarrhea diseases by unwashed fruit, vegetables and other foods.

45- Severe morbidity and mortality in malaria were known to be correlated with high parasite counts.

46- Gurltia paralysans is a parasite which attaches itself to the veins of South American Felines Bowman, Dwight D. (4 Nov 2008).

47- Spring cleaning is connected to the birth of cubs, and may occur several times during the summer to prevent parasite infestations.

48- As J. W. Draper notes, the gluttonous Falstaff shares many characteristics with a parasite such as Artotrogus from Miles Gloriosus.

49- Malaria is widespread among both adults and children, with the parasite Plasmodium falciparum involved in 80 to 90 percent of the cases.

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