paraphrase in a sentence

Use ‘paraphrase’ in a sentence | ‘paraphrase’ example sentences

1- This principle is made plain through paraphrasing three verses.

2- By the fact that it resists paraphrase ?

3- So now I am going to paraphrase .

4- Perhaps a paraphrase or brief excerpt is the best compromise.

5- A paraphrase falls into a gray area between summary and quotation.

6- A brutal summary and paraphrase of this follows.

7- To paraphrase Shakespeare – doth not a fish feel?

8- I paraphrase , but the claim is intact.

9- Attempts to summarize, paraphrase or quote are weak.

10- You’ll pardon the paraphrase I hope.

11- To paraphrase Stalin , a lie repeated often enough becomes truth.

12- Such paraphrasing or additions are enclosed in square brackets.

13- The building stands as a postmodern paraphrase of Scandinavian modernism.

14- Some things just don’t paraphrase well.

15- Moffat is a paraphrase and not an actual translation.

16- Students will paraphrase and summarize in order to enhance comprehension.

17- Can you paraphrase the meaning if the compound “.

18- Can you paraphrase the meaning of the compound “.

19- When you are quoting , you shouldn’t paraphrase .

20- It is an scandalous paraphrase which he does not dispute.

21- To paraphrase , “Nobody got fired for buying Blackberry.

22- Here are my paraphrases of those proposals.

23- The rest of the story defies paraphrasing .

24- To paraphrase Andrew Young, Europeans practically invented piracy.

25- paraphrase questions are the best guesses at what was actually asked.

26- If slide contains a long quote, paraphrase or underline important parts.

27- The following are all paraphrased articles, and excerpts where noted.

28- To paraphrase : One infographic is worth a thousand data points.

29- These principles apply both to literal copies and to paraphrases .

30- This is attempted paraphrasing , but it is sloppy.

31- paraphrase the information and add examples to clarify.

32- I paraphrase , but that was the argument in essence.

33- To paraphrase the Obama campaign, yes we could.

34- I don’t do paraphrase translations at all.

35- Not stolen as much as paraphrased , really.

36- She then paraphrases the rest of each paragraph .

37- In some cases the questions have been paraphrased .

38- Paraphrasing a very poignant part of your presentation.

39- Read the situation and ask the student to paraphrase it.

40- To paraphrase Dickens, “Is there no commuter rail? In university, students sometimes plagiarize material unintentionally because they don’t really know how to paraphrase the information properly.

41- To paraphrase Jefferson, I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.

42- To paraphrase George Washington Plunkitt, Freed saw his opportunities and he took them.

43- Davos will always be an easy target, because, to paraphrase, everyone here is in the arena.

44- To paraphrase an adage , 1 histogram graph is worth 1000 numbers.

45- paraphrase Go and take all of my loves, my beloved-how would doing so enrich you?

46- One could say-exaggerating a little, for the sake of paraphrase -that his revolution (interior and social) is postponed by the torpor.

47- A work created by a minimal paraphrase of an existing text could already be considered a new work eligible to copyright.

48- In a very enlightening article (1), Géraldine Chouard recalls patchwork’s diverse connotations, which I will paraphrase here.

49- ” As a long-time gamer and Star Wars fan working on a Star Wars RPG, Collins summed up his feelings: “I could paraphrase Lou Gehrig.

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