parapet in a sentence

Use ‘parapet’ in a sentence | ‘parapet’ example sentences

1- He walked off quickly round the parapet .

2- The flat roof sits behind a parapet .

3- They are adorned with fortified parapet walls.

4- The inner wall had small parapet towers set into it.

5- Both roofs are flat and topped with brick parapets .

6- The parapet and original street lights were also removed.

7- I was drunk and I hate those parapet steps.

8- On the north is a projecting octagonal parapet .

9- Brick and clay tiles cap the parapet edges.

10- On the stone parapet is a wreath.

11- The new parapet resembles the 1923 railing.

12- It is designed without handrails, using stainless steel parapets instead.

13- Stephanie leaned her bike against the parapet .

14- Three sides face the river and were formed of broad parapets .

15- Nearly the whole parapet of the fort was swept away.

16- On either side of the parapet walk were two towers.

17- Only the parapet remains to be built.

18- I pushed my head over the parapet .

19- He leaned over the parapet and gazed.

20- The parapets were redesigned and given plunging embrasures.

21- The bank of the dry channel served as a natural parapet .

22- The wall was replaced with a parapet in the fifteenth century.

23- The corridors lead to a parapet which overlooks the fiery cells.

24- The parapets on top of the walls have cannon ports.

25- The name is set into a panel on the parapet .

26- He went to the parapet , and breathed deeply.

27- A tall parapet rises above the cornice.

28- An open carved parapet surmounts the building.

29- Pinnacles were added above the parapet level.

30- He walked to the parapet and looked over.

31- The tower parapet is embattled with a pinnacle at each corner.

32- He had backed away, had stood perilously on the parapet .

33- The causeways were faced with masonry and had parapets in places.

34- The roofline is hidden by a broken parapet .

35- parapet and balustrade masonry is of particular concern.

36- Its hipped roof of cedar shingles is partially concealed by parapet walls.

37- The sandbag parapet had been badly built and the trenches started collapsing.

38- The bevelled edge curves to become part of the parapet .

39- The causeway is 9 m wide and bordered by 20 cm high parapets .

40- Early in the attack, the flag fell outside the parapet . The roof has chimneys at the sides and is hidden behind the continuous parapet.

41- The mainly cast iron parapet ribs have a wrought iron central section of feet (0 m).

42- McCook was killed on the Confederate parapet as he slashed with his sword and shouted “Surrender, you traitors!

43- The cap badges of each original regiment are carved in stone set in the parapet over doorways opening to ornamental iron balconies.

44- W tower with pierced parapet and polygonal pinnacles.

45- The corridors lead to a parapet which overlooks the fiery cells.

46- The nave parapet is plain, and the clerestory windows are blocked.

47- The roofline features a parapet roof with a molded cornice below featuring small lion’s heads.

48- The bricked up arches which led to the platforms can still be seen in the southern parapet of the bridge, beneath the footpath.

49- Doorways in the parapet wall lead to staircases down to each platform, and to a steel ramp down to Platform 2 serving westbound trains.

50- However, when Teresa threatens to jump off a parapet, Ultrice relents and admits that she has the antidote.

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