paranoia in a sentence 2

Use ‘paranoia’ in a sentence | ‘paranoia’ example sentences

51- Before some time with them, he develops some overly aggressive habits of psychotic depression and paranoia.

52- ” To answer his majesty’s paranoia, the physician calmly reassures the monarch, “Do not worry, your Majesty.

53- Such phrases included: “Control is always automatic”, “Suspicion breeds confidence” (a reference to the film Brazil ), and “Success in paranoia“.

54- Lars Farf, excessively fearful father and husband deals with the paranoia that cripples a father who cares a bit too much about the safety of his family.

55- Officially a military research project, it is a means of terrorizing the population, of creating such paranoia as to make organized insurgency impossible.

56- Jeffries, who has been demoted following a diagnosis of delusional paranoia, is sent to investigate what is initially thought to be a murder-suicide of Simon’s parents.

57- Disciples of Dispater verge on paranoia and are distrustful of all around them.

58- One episode, ” Mr. Monk Is Up All Night “, features a rather unique example of the paranoia scam.

59- 3.2 Miss Terry – Due to Mrs. White’s paranoia over ghosts, Prof. Plum hires a psychic to calm her soul.

60- Ruoxi’s happiness, however, is greatly marred by Yinzhen’s paranoia and his ruthless suppression of Yinsi and his faction.

61- The singles “paranoia“, “Last of the Big Game Hunters” and “Friend of Mine” were all Canadian rock radio hits in the mid-late 1990s.

62- The crudeness of the anti-psychiatric argument is tinged with a distinct patina of paranoia.

63- ” (He pooped out of the box.) Joaquín Balaguer, accusing Peña Gómez of paranoia, during the 1994 elections.

64- Gabriel’s paranoia about the boy’s existence grows and, hoping to find proof of his existence, he breaks into Donna’s home.

65- Duffy correctly predicted that this would lead Zara (in his paranoia) to remove Meyers from Morris’ campaign, thus weakening Morris.

66- paranoia Max ~Dirty Mix~ “paranoia Max ~Dirty Mix~” is a song by 190. Put Your Faith In Me “Put Your Faith In Me” is a song by Uzi-Lay.

67- The minimal white area surrounding the figure is more important than the figure itself, being that it can represent health or paranoia.

68- He is even confined to a mental hospital following some incidents resulting from extreme paranoia, and after a brief treatment he appears to be a changed man.

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