Use ‘paramilitary’ in a sentence | ‘paramilitary’ example sentences
1- Russian paramilitary flags were flying outside the polling station.
2- Our present educational systems are all paramilitary .
3- The march included men in paramilitary uniform.
4- Most patrol craft are operated by maritime paramilitary forces.
5- The protestors eventually surrendered to paramilitary police.
6- If paramilitary operations are so potentially damaging why undertake them?
7- Items include paramilitary clothing and insurgent flags used in 2001.
8- All the paramilitary organizations were represented by marching figures.
9- A majority of these were paramilitary officers.
10- The Academy is structured around a paramilitary framework.
11- White paramilitary violence against African Americans intensified.
12- It is ready to display with your paramilitary stuff.
13- The city maintained a militia as a permanent paramilitary body.
14- The men were not members of any loyalist paramilitary organisation.
15- The paramilitary organisation declared its last ceasefire on 19 July.
16- These had gone on to merge into larger umbrella paramilitary organisations.
17- None of his family members were involved in paramilitary activities.
18- For times of emergency the force has a paramilitary capability.
19- However, it has publicly condemned terrorism and paramilitary violence.
20- It has also been criticised for associating with loyalist paramilitary groups.
21- He was a leader in a paramilitary organisation.
22- He was murdered allegedly by suspected right-wing paramilitary forces in 1999.
23- In turn, this increased renewed nationalist support for paramilitary forces.
24- Yet it was the very public face of paramilitary activity.
25- The generals began to mobilize the populace into paramilitary organizations.
26- Other loyalist paramilitary groups also sought to avenge his killing.
27- His flirtation with paramilitary methods grew more pronounced.
28- Individuals can’t defend themselves against paramilitary stormtroopers?
29- Covert operations include paramilitary and psychological activities.
30- The state government sought additional paramilitary forces to combat the continuing violence.
31- In popular culture, survivalism has been associated with paramilitary activities.
32- Vanguards attended paramilitary summer camps operated by the armed forces.
33- The paramilitary ceasefires of 1994 caught him politically off guard.
34- Parascandola called it a “secret paramilitary group”.
35- Many illegal paramilitary groups transitioned into legal CONVIVIR groups.
36- SAD paramilitary teams entered Iraq before the 2003 invasion.
37- No paramilitary organisation claimed responsibility for any of the bombings.
38- Reports disagree about the presence and quantity of paramilitary equipment.
39- In May, a government paramilitary unit fired into demonstrators.
40- Some paramilitary commanders openly expressed their support for Plan Colombia. “Even Hashid (the largely Shiite paramilitary) leaders were out there.
41- Irish Republican Army The IRA is the chief republican paramilitary group.
42- 682388The army and paramilitary groups are blamed for nearly all the killings.
43- 399763It is unacceptable in any part of our country to have active paramilitary groups.”
44- Pakistani paramilitary forces responded “befittingly” to Indian fire, the statement added.
45- The government troops were backed by paramilitary forces, made up mainly of Shiite militias.
46- In 2009, Bangladesh blocked Facebook after a paramilitary revolt left 57 army officers dead.
47- “I think now it is very clear we want to see these paramilitary organisations disband altogether.
48- In terms of policy, bringing the paramilitary conflict to an end will remain high on the agenda .
49- Vanguards attend paramilitary summer camps, operated by the armed forces.
50- Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. abduction.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
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