Use ‘parametric’ in a sentence | ‘parametric’ example sentences
1- The parametric method is used more commonly.
2- There are many options for making designs parametric .
3- The computer last is a parametric model.
4- A parametric study of prefrontal cortex involvement in human working memory.
5- I did find some really neat parametric boxes and lids though .
6- This book offers a detailed history of parametric statistical inference.
7- More elegant solution : parametric neurons with diffuse neurotransmitter simulation.
8- Check plugs and parametric measurements are not mutually exclusive.
9- Some terminology is associated with these parametric curves.
10- Consequently, the parametric programming method is finite.
11- parametric animation is designed for this reason.
12- parametric synthesis of these instruments is discussed.
13- The frontier in its entirety is parametric on “q”.
14- This equation is called the parametric form of a straight line.
15- This section covers the rules used in our parametric animation system.
16- The parametric cost approach saved much time on the project.
17- A parametric surface need not be a topological surface.
18- For each parametric failure, there are 4–10 latent ones.
19- On the right, is the parametric equivalent.
20- parametric equalizers typically have 3 to 5 filtering bands per channel.
21- Other researchers have also modeled parametric polymorphism within constructive set theories.
22- Forms are either parametric forms or questions to other Bayesian programs.
23- parametric equalizers are also sold as standalone outboard gear units.
24- Skillfully created parametric models are easier to maintain and modify.
25- And their parametric search makes this data useful in most cases.
26- The most popular open source parametric modeling tool is OpenSCAD.
27- This cost model would be based on parametric or analogy techniques.
28- Consider a mixture of parametric distributions of the same class.
29- parametric s and t coordinate (u, v).
30- A parametric equalizer does not use fixed frequency bands.
31- Three-dimensional solid rendering functions use the feature parametric technique.
32- The parametric schema supports tables and associations for the joint earthquake catalog.
33- Ruby features dynamic typing, and supports parametric polymorphism.
34- parametric oscillators are used in many applications.
35- SEER-IT uses parametric modeling to improve success rates on IT projects.
36- In small samples, a parametric bootstrap approach might be preferred.
37- Apply parametric affine transformations to a profile curve.
38- SEER-IT uses parametric modeling to replicate real-world scenarios and outcomes.
39- BikeCAD is a parametric CAD tool for bicycle frame design.
40- Such languages may also enable functions to be parametric polymorphic. These problems are eliminated by rewriting the equations in parametric form.
41- This can be simple 2D drawing / drafting or 3D parametric feature based solid/surface modeling.
42- “parametric Figuration” featured in our teachings at Yale and at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna.
43- For example, shaking container with the frequency ω excites surface waves with the frequency ω/2 (parametric resonance discovered by Michael Faraday ).
44- “Nonlinear equations of acoustics, with application to parametric acoustic arrays”.
45- NEi Fusion consists of a 3D parametric CAD modeler powered by SolidWorks with NEi Nastran finite element analysis solvers.
46- In 1998, CV was taken over by parametric Technology Corporation (PTC).
47- Be careful that a parametric surface need not be a topological surface.
48- Vendors offer different approaches to getting to the parametric CAD model.
49- HE-AAC v2 profile (HE-AAC with parametric Stereo) was first specified in ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005/Amd 2:2006.
50- The presence of parametric or ad hoc polymorphism in a language may also have implications for type compatibility.
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