paramedic in a sentence 2

Use ‘paramedic’ in a sentence | ‘paramedic’ example sentences

51- The college regulates the paramedic profession in Alberta, one of just three such colleges in Canada.

52- Doc had done so in order that he himself could ride with paramedic Kim Zambrano following her return to work.

53- Half an hour later, Sharon collapsed in the bathroom, and the paramedic decided not to wait any longer and immediately evacuate him.

54- The Iowa paramedic Specialist is the NREMT-paramedic.

55- The on duty medic supervisor is a lieutenant/paramedic and is designated Medic 44 (M44).

56- ;Medevac / Air ambulance :Equipment and space for up to 4 stretchers or less with paramedic crew onboard.

57- Neela reunites with paramedic Tony Gates (from “Two Ships”, season 12).

58- Mosby’s paramedic Textbook, 2nd revised Ed. Chapter 22, “Head and Facial Trauma.

59- Lisa informs her father that she’s thinking of quiting journalism to become a paramedic, and that she’s planning to head for Nepal next.

60- He is also a Licensed paramedic with Marble Falls Area EMS and a volunteer EMT with the Westlake Fire Department.

61- The QAS at Bamaga has two permanent officers which are of paramedic standard and have one of the most modern ambulance in use in Queensland today.

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