paralyzing in a sentence

Use ‘paralyzing’ in a sentence | ‘paralyzing’ example sentences

1- A paralyzing poison would cause either total rigidity or muscle collapse.

2- Many streets were inundated, paralyzing traffic and prompting water rescues.

3- That vast time scale is intimidating and almost paralyzing .

4- James was seized with a paralyzing fear.

5- It was as if a paralyzing weight had been lifted.

6- The paralyzing agent still held the captain in its grip.

7- Strong smell of paralyzing the sense of smell!

8- paralyzing overwhelm can avalanche you to failure.

9- And yet that has been a paralyzing fight in this town.

10- The bullet lodged in his spinal column, paralyzing him.

11- Medusa attacks taking ice down with a paralyzing stare.

12- I also have a paralyzing fear of bridges.

13- Botox works by paralyzing the muscles beneath wrinkles.

14- He also seems to have a paralyzing fear of heights.

15- They are generally recommended only for severe, paralyzing episodes of anxiety.

16- I realized with a paralyzing horror that the place really was haunted.

17- Is this healthy humility, or paralyzing timidity?

18- This vetoing procedure has been credited with significantly paralyzing the Commonwealth governance.

19- Face exercises enhance the skin texture without any anesthetizing or paralyzing outcome.

20- Unrelenting doubts and fears can be paralyzing .

21- The strike spread rapidly, paralyzing the factories and industries of Luxembourg.

22- But the need to make such distinctions had become paralyzing , incapacitating.

23- Police buses were parked on the capital’s main street, paralyzing traffic.

24- A sense of paralyzing ambiguity predominates, punctuated by pining.

25- It is simply a paralyzing situation.

26- It attacks nerves called motor neurons, gradually and inexorably paralyzing its victims.

27- When Mikhail was a child, he suffered from a paralyzing illness.

28- It ‘s a potentially burdensome, even paralyzing , state of mind.

29- paralyzing it or putting it to sleep are useful strategies as well.

30- Pancuronium bromide stopped Marco’s breathing by paralyzing his muscles.

31- It can feel overwhelming and paralyzing .

32- The stalker is plunged into a paralyzing morass of confusion and terror.

33- His plan was to destroy all shipping, thus ” paralyzing the lake commerce.

34- She so afraid of being obscure and overlooked – it’s almost paralyzing .

35- The feelings of jealousy when this happens to you can be paralyzing .

36- We were forging ahead when they made the switch, paralyzing our work.

37- They also have a second breath weapon, a cone of paralyzing gas.

38- It can be a paralyzing spiral.

39- Facial yoga regimens enhance the skin without any deadening or paralyzing effect.

40- Hating myself for being fat , when I was young, was paralyzing . Some sea animals use their tentacles to sting their prey, paralyzing them before eating them.

41- If you don’t honestly want it you won’t excel. 5. Fear is paralyzing.

42- paralyzing them doesn’t make the problem go away, it just hides them from us.”

43- 425695It was the only thing that explained the last minute, East Coast-paralyzing blizzard.

44- They know that fear of change is paralyzing and a major threat to their success and happiness.

45- Yamcha flees because he has a paralyzing fear of beautiful women.

46- They also have a second breath weapon, a cone of paralyzing gas.

47- I realized with a paralyzing horror that the place really was haunted.

48- They demolished a wall and sent tear and paralyzing gases into the prison.

49- Gersen finally tracks Larque down and kills him with cluthe, a paralyzing poison.

50- Kasper also carries energy based throwing daggers capable of paralyzing or tagging his enemies.

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