Use ‘paralysed’ in a sentence | ‘paralysed’ example sentences
1- The whole nervous system is paralysed and death results.
2- I was paralysed completely down my left side.
3- He is paralysed down his right side.
4- She had been paralysed for thirty years.
5- He was paralysed during a shell attack.
6- Human rights organisations claim some detainees died or were left paralysed .
7- Police closed fashionable 57th Street and transport was virtually paralysed .
8- The artist was in poor health and was partially paralysed .
9- Work is so paralysed that insignificant quantities are produced.
10- A general strike paralysed the city 21 July 1919.
11- Terror had dried and paralysed his vocal chords.
12- It partially paralysed NCC for eight working days.
13- His limbs felt paralysed , his vision obscured.
14- Britain is paralysed by its own indifference.
15- He was then paralysed and severely tortured.
16- So you are completely and totally paralysed .
17- Marc is paralysed from the chest down .
18- He got drunk, crashed his car and was permanently paralysed .
19- He fired many times in succession and totally paralysed the animal.
20- All witnesses confirmed that towards the end she was almost paralysed .
21- I was almost paralysed with fear, until outrage took over.
22- The government became increasingly paralysed in disputes between the two men.
23- The plant has been paralysed for eight weeks by a strike .
24- She suffers from severe spinal cord injury which has paralysed her .
25- Maria has lived paralysed in this bed for thirty years.
26- She sat quite still, her body paralysed with tension.
27- On 9 December 1997 a national strike paralysed the country.
28- A robotic arm is then placed over his paralysed hand.
29- For a few seconds Winston was too paralysed to move.
30- Motor traffic was paralysed in much of the city.
31- Now, absence paralysed her in sheer aching agony.
32- He struggled against the nightmare grip that paralysed him.
33- The injury left him paralysed from the neck down.
34- Boris is mentally paralysed by the situation, however.
35- He was paralysed by the sights before him.
36- Mrs Burrows had been paralysed by a stroke.
37- It both created the revolution and paralysed it.
38- The preparations were paralysed and the Germans withdrew.
39- We must not be paralysed by vain regrets.
40- The machinery of the State was paralysed . He was therefore completely paralysed, and in need of artificial ventilation.
41- One of the paralysed children was four years old and the other just 10 months.
42- Protests paralysed the city centre after clashes between police and activists saw tear gas deployed.
43- paralysed by his new pacifist ideals, Amenophis has a mental breakdown.
44- For example, in “Lost Hearts”, pubescent children are drugged by a sinister dabbler in the occult who then removes their hearts from their paralysed bodies.
45- ” – leaving the boy paralysed and bleeding to death.
46- “This 80-page scriptment was about a paralysed man who can control an alien body with his mind.
47- Yukos had been effectively paralysed because all of its assets were frozen from the first assessment.
48- Miraculously her paralysed husband was able to move and he was immediately operated and cured.
49- Fully paralysed, Parameshwaran now runs a cycle repair shop with the help of his wife and daughter.
50- In 1952 he suffered a stroke which left him partially paralysed, and he died in bed a year later from a second stroke.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
paralleling – parallelism – parallelisms – parallelogram – parallelograms – parallels – paralyse – paralysed – paralyses – paralysing – paralysis – paralytic – paralytics – paralyze – paralyzed –
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