parallel in a sentence 2

Use ‘parallel’ in a sentence | ‘parallel’ example sentences

51- Because the sun is so far away, its rays arrive at earth travelling almost parallel.

52- A rainbow is a large band of parallel stripes which displays the full spectrum of colors.

53- Studies show that by age three or four, the parallel play of children becomes shared play.

54- Forces within the earth are responsible for pushing mountain ranges up into parallel folds.

55- The monster lives in a parallel universe which cannot be perceived by people in our dimension.

56- Student parking is limited to the far end of the parking lot running parallel with Johnson Street.

57- When finished a meal in China, it is polite to place your chopsticks in parallel across your dish or bowl.

58- The record of championship wins by the Montreal Canadiens is simply without parallel in the sporting world.

59- The Ganges River begins in the Himalayas and then flows parallel to the range across the Ganges Plain to the ocean.

60- The Ganges River begins in the Himalayas and then flows parallel to the range across the Ganges Plain to the ocean.

61- rankThe tiny nation of Belize in Central America has the world’s second largest barrier reef, running parallel to the coast.

62- The Ganges River begins in the Himalayas and then flows parallel to the range across the Ganges Plain to the ocean.

63- paralyzeThe Ganges River begins in the Himalayas and then flows parallel to the range across the Ganges Plain to the ocean.

64- fluctuateVictoria, B.

65- C.

66- is actually south of the 49th parallel, which for most of Canada forms the border with the United States.

67- To try to make an analogy between the regime of Saddam Hussein and Hitler is absurd. The actions of Hitler were without parallel in human history.

68- A 1996 global survey found that despite different cultures, middle-class youth all over the world seem to live their lives as if in a parallel universe, wearing the same clothes, and listening to the same music.

69- 413023It’s meant to be extensible and to handle parallel computation.

70- A parallel extreme cold weather alert is in effect from Toronto Public Health.

71- So maybe the Chron’s parallel is less Pepsi Challenge than apples and oranges.

72- The danger is gravely aggravated in the case of parallel consumption of alcohol.

73- It adds: “IDS lives in a parallel universe where he is the saviour of the poor..

74- Along with this increase, comes a parallel increase in online’s carbon footprint.

75- Trained parking builds on the automaker’s semi-automatic parallel parking system.

76- The blast sent a huge fireball into the sky on a street parallel to the consulate.

77- “Racism is discrimination between parallel races, but the caste system has levels.

78- Cockfighting fans argue that the law is unfair, drawing a parallel to bullfighting.

79- 33665All the power cables that run parallel to the track caved in,”” Wetrin said.”

80- The Securities and Exchange Commission filed parallel civil charges against Shkreli.

81- The rebels have meanwhile targeted the two Shi’ite villages in a parallel offensive.

82- With the $516 million runway, O’Hare now has five of its six planned parallel runways.

83- It appears Plitt may have believed the train was on a nearby, parallel track, Meadows said.

84- She drew a parallel with slavery, because there are no first generation slaves still living.

85- In his 2001 novel “The Shadow Girls,” he focused on the parallel world of illegal immigrants.

86- In parallel, new drugs and other therapeutic interventions and vaccines need to be developed.

87- We end up in a little restaurant on St. Bernard Street, parallel to the St. Antoine neighborhood.

88- Perhaps as a result, the company now believes that separate, parallel development is the way to go.

89- So why is Texas setting up what appears to be a parallel border patrol alongside the federal force?

90- But parallel to this triumphant narrative, a startling number of people still live in abject poverty.

91- It could be that the foreigners will remain foreign, that they will create a new, parallel underclass.

92- They are formed by a continuous extrusion of parallel sets of polymeric ribs at acute angles to one another.

93- Whereas the dipole moment of a parallel to the surface adsorbed dipole vanishes.

94- It is advisable to practice some sport exercises in parallel.

95- Onyx is agate whose bands are parallel.

96- parallel programming appeared a long time ago .

97- Food forests and agroforestry are parallel approaches that sometimes lead to similar designs.

98- Classification trees parallel discriminant analysis and algebraic classification methods.

99- parallel high-speed line is being built.

100- Sansone was especially strong in parallel bar work.

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